need help with harvest

Hi to all, im a first time poster but loong time reader of this site, i have been lucky enough to come across valuable info and also some pretty decent debates on growing.
im on my second grow and into the 7th week of flower today, my setup is a 400w hps with 15(i know way too much but i couldnt bring myself to bin any healthy plant) any it seems to work just fine,vegged for 2 weeks and bang into flower with pistills by day 10.
ANYWAY: today i noticed my back door handle had been tampered with pretty badly(its not my house the grow is in a property which no one resides at the moment) and my first grow half stolen by the same means(i had cropped 6 mega ice plants(6ft) and 2 blue cheese i had 15 smaller train wreck ones whiche were left for a feew days later only to be had away with).
THE QUESTION IS:can i crop now? they have buds and arnt great in size and have some density to them,pistills are 50% amber, the have been lighty fed during flowering (low dosage's),they havent had ferts since monday and have been on mollasses in flowering but stopped using them on tuesday,
i dont want to lose any of this is it worth the sacrifice of the extra wieght/potency or do i tempt fate and hope whoever it w as gave,my window is boarded up downstairs and my door has 4 3x2 planks on it with the other ends tight packed to the adjecant wall (brick). but if someone wants something that bad whats to stop them going through the upstairs window?????Any thought please...
also there are a lot of crystals , not really time examine them further, 10 are ak-47 and 5 are blue cheese,i used ionic bloom not boost and they were last fed ferts about 8-9 days ago not monday ( i was using the mollasses as a form of boost ) another piece to chew on is if they do get in who knows how thell leave the house and if they cant get in whats to stop them phoning the old bill in spite?


Well-Known Member
So you're growing in a foreclosed/abandoned house? Well I would suggest next time not doing that. The same person who ripped you off last time in this same location probably knows how long the plants have been there and when they want to get in and grab them. Or if your really lucky it might be the bank or the owner of the property trying to get in to take a look around. Then you will have cops waiting for you instead of your plants.
i am the owner of the house, i just dont live there and i realise that someone is propably timing the break ins (the last one was about 3 months ago) the house is being renovated by me. its not a seedy set up , i pay the bills i wanna grow for me sick of buiying shit and getting ripped off


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I jumped to conclusions. I've just seen to many people on here talking about growing on other peoples property with out their knowledge and then getting pissed when they get ripped off. Try using jumper cables to attach a car battery to the door knob of the door they were trying to get into. You could harvest now, but you might be disappointed with the quality of the high. If you have a jewelers scope or a microscope check out the trichomes and see what they look like. If they are are cloudy, clear or amber. you want like 50/50 cloudy and amber.


Sector 5 Moderator
If they are 50% amber, you're past the prime. It's time to chop those babies and be done with the risk too.
No worries, the pistills are 50/50 not the trichs and as for the battery i thought about that but went for the tripwire with a pane of glass balnced on bricks in front of it instaed for there sake i hope they stay away
will it be nasty to smoke is one of my main concerns i cant stand headaches od shit weed, would drying it in a certain way help it lose some of the deaded ''green taste''


Sector 5 Moderator
Drying it slowly is the only way I know of, with the exception of water curing, to get rid of the fresh grass taste. BTW, if you set up a booby trap and someone gets hurt, they can and will go after you and you will lose in court. I know it sucks but that's the way it is. Don't worry about the pistils; those have nothing to do with ripeness.
yeah i panicked with that one it will come down tommorow along with the crop i think cant risk this one , i just hope that they/him/her??? leave it for tonight, but its pissing down where i am and the burglars love a bit of rain keeps the noise down and the wind helps too
ive heard about water curing and tried it with a nugg off the last grow but forget about it when i got robbed and it turned to slush
Hey Brother I wish I was there to help!!! I hate those low life scum bags that steal our hard work. Surveillance is the only way. More than likely it someone in the area. A picture is worth a thousand words then you can unleash whatever justice you feel good about. Id want the prick to pay for everthing hes done. Goodluck and Peace brother
Loaded for Bud


Well-Known Member
Why dont you just stay at the house for a few nights? How did someone know you were growing there in the first place?