Need help with DIY venting

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
hey im new ive never grown but im starting my second time (first time got caught and lights/timer got taken) im 21 in collage only saying this becuz i live with my parents and i attend collage but last time i was on another site like this and got band becuz apparently i was under 18 years of age with the only proof of living with my parents...but anyways

i have a really ghetto stealth dresser set up trying to make it stealth but it didnt work out to good ill add some pictures at the bottom of this but i made some minor adjustments to the drawer by adding hings so its like a door..

im going to be setting it up as black normal garbage bags over lapping the corners of the dresser to block out all the light leaks and i covered the one end with white printing paper and taped it on leaving the one side of the dresser(inside) with white printing paper for a DIY wall reflection thingy, i was then going to use 3-5 20-30watt cfls for 2-5 plants or 5-10 baby plants and keep the females or healthiest ones the dresser is very small (only two drawers) i have a grow room forum but i made this forum basicly for my venting my main question is...DO U NEED VENTING NO MATTER WHAT? like can u NOT grow at all in a closed off grow box? and since im going stealth and i need to noise from fans i was just going to cut a 2-3inch circle hole in the side or back of the grow cab and add a cloth/used shirt and put coffee grounds, and dryer sheets to get rid of the smell but would the one hole work fine for venting ? with no fans and only one hole with the DIY filter on it ? i need to know becuz i can have any smell and i just wanted to no if i could just grow with no venting becuz cfls create low to no heat so the temperature would be around 25-30c with the lights on and around 15-25c with them off (probly 15-20 cuz its almost winter and im in a northern country) sorry about so much information im pretty baked and really bored and really talkative when im baked:P hope i get atleast one hint, tip, or anything to help thanks in advance:)


Well-Known Member
no, you need an intake also for fresh air to bring co2 into the grow box, with no fans that many cfls in a small box is going to make it too hot also, regardless of how little heat they produce, you really NEED a fan for exhaust and atleast an passive intake hole, i recommend fans on both but i can understand your noise problem, im also in that situation. not with parents but sharing an appartment with my older sister who doesnt want me growing. mines pretty quiet even in a quiet room except my ceiling fan is louder. im using a 4 inch high velocity fan for exhaust hooked up to a diy vent with a diy activated carbon filter (spent about 5 dollers on the activated carbon filter, much better then just making it with dryer sheets and coffee beans). and a 6mm (i think im not sure, its pretty big tho) computer fan hooked up to a 5v adapter (instead of 12v it was too loud and blowing the plants harder then i wanted at 12v)

your plants are going to die if you leave them in conditions like that, i know from experience also bcuz i was lazy in building my first box and it was hot hot hot hot even with a 3.5mm computer fan (only hooked up to 5v dc charger though) for exhaust and passive intake, and i can tell you my plants hated it. your box sounds like a death trap to me and my plants are cowering in fear. im not trying to be a dick but honestly that wont work

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
thanks for your comment i hope u suscribe so i can ask more questions but is there any alterative way to NOT use fans? and i was going to make a DIY Co2 container i was told on here or somewhere that u can just use a water bottle with i think bakingsoda mixed with water or water mixed with ummm something i think baking soda not sure (heard it a looong time ago) i have to wake up for collage tomorrow so i can comment when i get home if u RE-post hopefully u will but is there anyway to use the DIY carbon thingy and then just make a weird filter with no fans(need to have fans? like NEED too?)and i havent finished the project yet so im goiing to install the lights once i create a ballast and buy the timer and light bulbs and i can take the temperature but im sure its not too hot (maybe 30c MAX) with the ligths on thats what it was when i tryed to grow the first tiem but now i have a 2 times bigger grow set up and if ur wondering i got caught from my parents i know sucks but this ones better :) and ill copmment tomorrow if u reply anyways thanks again:)


Well-Known Member
im not sure about the co2 bottle, ive never heard of someone doing that, so you need to find someone more experienced then me with that, but i would think you need u need an exhaust fan so the only air leaving your box goes through your filter.. you want your exhaust taking more air out then air coming in so all the exiting air will go through the filter (if your intake is the same power as your exhaust or stronger then only some of your air will exit the exhaust and if there is ANY air leaks in your box then your getting smell leaks too) which is why i think you need atleast 1 weak fan for exhaust. computer fans are pretty quiet man, search around the forum if you wanna try that to hook a computer fan to a dc adapter, its easy and ill show you with pics if you need.

but if you wanna follow your path with the co2 thing then find a more experienced grower then i am to answer u cuz ive never read anything about that

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
what if i just opened the door/drawer to the grow room ever now and then to just admire the plant(i love weed, i love growing it (thinking of):P, smoking it, having it, and everything to do with it lol:P so if i just open the back or the door after i get home from collage could i justopen it for like 30mins water it, leave it open and close it? well until it starts to flower?

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
and u gave me alot of information and i thank you for that but i need to know if i CAN grow with NO FAN(s) at all and just add a hole with a filter so air access with no fan, if its just a cloth/shirt with coffee grounds, and dryer sheets wouldnt the FRESH air form my room still get in through it ? just only question can i add a hole with A filter or do i 100% NEED A FAN? anyone?


Active Member
cant u just get a computer fan like troglart says, they make as much noise as a fan on a desktop computer.teh only other thing you could have instead of a fan is some passive holes in the sides but that guna leak the smell.just put your grox box near your computer then no-one will know.
the fact and the shame is in growing you gotta deal with one of the twothings in a stealth grow, noise or the smell, gota choose the one which is most likely not to get you caught.

and to answer your other Q, if you add yeast to water that produces co2


Active Member
if you block that hole up with a t-shirt, dryer sheets and coffee beans air is neva gune get through
actually alot of ppl just open the door a few times aday to air out the grow box, but ull av to do it a 3-4 times aday, maybe more if box is really small.but then like you say when it gets to flowering its guna reak in there and the smell will spread wen u opening all time.
plants use c02 in photosynthesis and if you gt no co2 u got no photosynthesis=no plant.

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
yaaa thats it and id rather have no noise smells not such a concern (i can take care of it EASYYY) but i cant have noise becuz my house is quiet and sometime my parents
put my clothes away in my room so if they come in a hear 1 fan going let alone 2 then the go over to the dresser see the screws on the drawer and then crack it open

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
yea but cant i make a co2 thingy with yeast and water like u said instead of a fan? theres the co2 for the plant right? does that make sence?


Active Member
at first then b4 the plant starts to smell u could put hole in the back of the dresser to get a bit of air circulation, then when the plant starts to smell revert to other measures.
you will stillhave to air the box so many times aday.
so you not gna have a fan in the box either bcoz of noise, u really need a fan blowing on the plants to strenthen the stems and to move the stagnant air, if the air around a certain leaf is not moving then the leaf will use all the co2 surrounding it and if you dont have a fan in there or air it often enuf then it will run out of c02 and growth will stop.
ventilation is very important when growing


small hole at near the top, same near the bottom, any little bit of heat from the lamps will cause air circulation. hot air rising out the top, in turn pulling fresh air in through the bottom, plus if you open it up a couple times a day to check on your babies you'll have plenty of air exchange. will it work without a fan? YES. are you gonna have a bumper crop? NO.

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
sorry im dont no what bumper crop means(good crop)? and im attending collage and live with my parents so odar is a no same with noise so if i say...make a hole at the top and then a hole at the bottom i could add a filter to each one to not spread the smell in my room right? im going out to eat so ill comment on anything a bit later around a hour later thats for the information and if anyone has any other ideas to a NONE noise/NONE smell grow box with my grow please comment and ill get back to u a little bit later


Active Member
u cant block off them holes with odour filters without a fan, the air wont circulate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i understand wat slomo is saying but that wont work with tshirts dryer sheets and coffee in the holes
if u want to do wat slomo is saying then u cant put nothing in the way that will obstruct the air flow.
and if u dnt recreate wind in your box then the stems will be thin and u wnt produce much bud cos the plant cant handle the weight
and a bumper crop is a good crop, if the conditions arnt right u not guna get much.


Active Member
Hey dude!

I'm currently waiting for my ventilation, but so far im using a desktopfan, and two 1,5 L soda bottles with yeast and sugar, when im not lettin fresh air in. Plants are tough as hell :).. Just shake the bottle every now and then to check if its still produces CO2.. The bacteria uses the sugar to create CO2 and alcohol, so it might smell a little bit funky, but if it stops bubbling, just poor some more sugar in it! The most common yeast is called Saccharomyces, meaning sugarshroom:o) Good luck;)


Hey dude!

I'm currently waiting for my ventilation, but so far im using a desktopfan, and two 1,5 L soda bottles with yeast and sugar, when im not lettin fresh air in. Plants are tough as hell :).. Just shake the bottle every now and then to check if its still produces CO2.. The bacteria uses the sugar to create CO2 and alcohol, so it might smell a little bit funky, but if it stops bubbling, just poor some more sugar in it! The most common yeast is called Saccharomyces, meaning sugarshroom:o) Good luck;)
wucha do with the bottles when they're dead? ever think about makin a little pot still to produce some 190 proof for tincture? any thaughts anyone?


Well-Known Member
i still think along the way this box is going to be discovered really fast, i understand noise is a problem for you, i also understand smell is also just as big of a problem, like i said before im in the same situation as you. here is a few situations for you.
1. No fans, no air holes, using co2 from yeast + sugar in water. your air might be stagnant and the co2 wont reach the plants very well and they cant perform photosynthesis to grow. Lets continue and say it did reach your plants and they did grow, temps will be high in your box at all times causing alot of stunting, and by the time you get to flowering, whenever you open your box your entire room is going to smell like bud. and the possibility of any air leak without the box being open will also leak into your room
2. Passive holes, ok depending on where the hole is placed and how many is going to partly change the situations but the end results going to be failure anyways, without a fan directing the air flow, airs going to come out of your box with passive hole(s), which is going to lead to smell leaks and light leaks (unless you build a light trap), and if u build a filter for the holes air wont go through it without air flow
3. PC fan hooked up, the noise is pretty common, and not very loud either, i hooked mine up to a dimmer and reduced the power going to it (and reducing speed).. its next to silent now. hook up one of these as an exhaust + an activated carbon filter attached to it at the top of your box, with passive intake at the bottom of your box (no need for a filter on this one) and your set for sound and smell throughout your grow unless your door is open

although this isnt now mine is set up i use my pc fan as intake and the 4inch high velocity fan as exhaust, your intake needs to be weaker then exhaust because your air filter is connected to the exhaust, so if there was an air leak when the box is closed + your passive intake, then fresh air would only be sucked into the box instead of the air in the box being pushed out