Need help with Clone females in flower stage. Pics included


Active Member
Ok, so September 2nd, I took my clones from the bubbler and they had a nice root system, here is a photo from that day prior to potting.......

Well, after 8 days, I have a total growth of 3"..... they are growing like mad. I have an unusually thick main stem and she is bushing out like crazy. Far more growth than I expected. I had taken the clones from a flowering female because I had read on here that I could take cuttings from a flowering female. Well, I did and this is what I have... four 6" tall clones that still look like they are going full steam into flower stage. Very green, healthy looking plants. I have them currently at 24/24 light schedule hoping to put them back into a vegetative state. Any suggestions on where I should go from here?? Should I continue to keep them at 24/24 and let them grow as they are or should I alter the light schedule and allow them to go into full flower? Mom is doing great also and I a,m counting like 24 bud sites that are growing thick and sticky

Here are some updated pics of Mom and her new growths. I apologize for the pictures, they are a little grainy because I took them with my phone camera and a magnifying glass, yes, I am still in need of getting my camera fixed so I can get some good macro shots. As always, I appreciate all of your input and "Constructive" criticism! :).....



Well-Known Member
Looks like the clone has reverted back to veg. the flowers i see on the clone are pre-flowers, which are normal on a female in veg. And I think they are so prominent because it was once flowering already.

Phillip J Fry

Active Member
Looks like the clone has reverted back to veg. the flowers i see on the clone are pre-flowers, which are normal on a female in veg. And I think they are so prominent because it was once flowering already.
on the monies again sir.
Sometimes cloning from flowering plant makes super branching baby clones.
You could flower the plant when ever you want.


Well-Known Member
I had a flowering clone. Took what seemed to be forever to flip but all is well back in full veg. couple weeks and back into flower to finish. Very forgiving and malleable plant