Need help with clfs!!!


Active Member
hi im new and ive postd TONS of questions on this and other sites but i need help on cfls last i have 13w 2700k cfls and im using only materials i have for growing becuz im only doing a 1-2 plants grow but the 13w 2700k cfls i have give off approx. 800lumens i think and i need to know how many do i need for 1 plant to grow good? the walls of my grow will have white printing paper and its late so ill post picks, diamentions, and example and my grow area and materials tomorrow by the way im doing a 100% stealth grow becuz i am 19 and live with my parents until another year or two becuz im saving up for a house, but i need 100% stealth 100% light prove(already solved) 100% odar control (CLOSE TO SOLVED WITH A CARBON FILTER) please help and ill post my othe r questions and other posts i still need answers on thanks you and please post if u have ANY TIPS,COMMENTS,OR ANSWERS

Dr. GROW GREEN:):bigjoint::sleep:


Well-Known Member
Technically you want 2000 lumen / sq foot. or 50 watt / foot

if your only using 13w fluorescents, your are going to need a shitload of them.

As the plant gets bigger, your going to have to add more and more.

If you do not, it will be stretchy, and not produce much.


Active Member
i understand that and add my older posts i need answers with this site is much faster for recieving replys and i relize that but my grow space is small and i am onlyusing materials i have and if u need 2000 lumens then i will need 3? 800x3=2200 so that should be good enough? or 4? 4 would be 3000


Active Member
My advice is to not grow weed in your parents house
i got alot of that but i wont get caught i highly doubt but if i do its not a big problem they saw one before but i didnt have the lights just pot and soil and they go nice marajuana grow op in ur drawer i think it was a joke but imk rippd right now:P:bigjoint:

Suwannee River Rat

Active Member
Dude, go to and get you one or two of their 85w grow lights they are about 24 dollars and they put out a hefty 4200 lumens apiece and they screw into standard light bulb fittings and come in tube or spiral form and work real well in smaller places. You'll spend more money on bulbs and electricity with standard cfls


Active Member
ya im doing a all DIY grow and ill be using standard cfls probly 4 on 1-2 plants well their in seed-seedling and maybe a part of veg but im gonna try adn pick up some 26w ones got no money for like a month or so.....and i have white printing paper for reflection thought it will work like white paint but ill try and i got a power bar inside the grow area for easy access and so its only one cord and not 5 different ones look to suspious and i have 1 fan soon to be 2 tonight and i will be buying materials for a DIY carbon filter (Probly 2) the clfs are 2700k thats for flower i know but it all i got(POOR MOTHERFUCKER)