need help w/ unknown strain

Dai Dai

So here is the story, I just received 3 soil rooted plants. one is at 25.5" one at 7.5" and the last at 3.5". I will attempt to post pics. My problem is I dont have any info on them such as strain, age, nutes, or lighting cycle, from the looks of it they have not been topped or trimmed. In my situation I plan to Mother one and throw 6 clones into my hydro. I Would like to get the plants healthy and recovered from shock (2 hour ride in a small box) before doing anything but i would like to get them on track. So... How should i address the apparent nute problem without doing more damage and should i do any trimming/topping? Also If anyone has any suggestions on strain ( I know its early but thats kinda important) or anything i could/should be doing please let me know. Im a super noob with unexpected ladies and i dont want to kill them! Also for some reason dude had em under a 600 HPS, I do know that MH would be best for right now and i hope to be getting one in a few weeks but will HPS wont hurt, right? i had to do something in the middle of writing this so im sure i had other items to input and questions. well when i think of em ill post them. Any and all help is greatly appreciated and i will try to answer any questions anyone may have.



Active Member
So here is the story, I just received 3 soil rooted plants. one is at 25.5" one at 7.5" and the last at 3.5". I will attempt to post pics. My problem is I dont have any info on them such as strain, age, nutes, or lighting cycle, from the looks of it they have not been topped or trimmed. In my situation I plan to Mother one and throw 6 clones into my hydro. I Would like to get the plants healthy and recovered from shock (2 hour ride in a small box) before doing anything but i would like to get them on track. So... How should i address the apparent nute problem without doing more damage and should i do any trimming/topping? Also If anyone has any suggestions on strain ( I know its early but thats kinda important) or anything i could/should be doing please let me know. Im a super noob with unexpected ladies and i dont want to kill them! Also for some reason dude had em under a 600 HPS, I do know that MH would be best for right now and i hope to be getting one in a few weeks but will HPS wont hurt, right? i had to do something in the middle of writing this so im sure i had other items to input and questions. well when i think of em ill post them. Any and all help is greatly appreciated and i will try to answer any questions anyone may have.

strain is easy to guess, just look at the leaves, id say their probably a indica dominant hybrid, strain doesnt matter too much unless its pure sativa, which are tricky little bastards. I hope you don't mind me saying, but they don't look like very healthy plants, looks like they have been in a erratic light cycle, don't prune them at all, let them replenish naturally and the best thing you can do is flush them with a mild balanced fertiliser. The hps light isn;t as eficient as a mh of cfl but they will still grow.
Are you sure their girls? cuz if their not then you should look into how much electricity, time, effort ext its gunna take and for what end, alot of people spend alot of time nursing sick plants that were given to them when it probly would have been easier just to start from scratch. and if you do want to use one of them as a mother plant, remember that sickly plants will produce sickly clones.

Dai Dai

Thanks for the input, Im sure they are girls that is about the only thing i can assure. I have started them on the GH Mild regiment for now and hope that this is just shock or the result of his preparing to move(lack of water/nute) because I would not like to start from scratch if possible. Im disappointed to hear that he could have done enough damage to keep them from being salvageable though.


Dai Dai

The above are clickable links, can anyone help identify why the lower leaves are curling and discoloring on the larger one?


Active Member
well their not too bad, it depends what kinda of genetics they have, some plants bounce back, with a bit of love n care they'll probably be fine, if their female then their worth taking care of. cultivate the smaller ones, nurse the bigger one for a while and then flower her and if need any advice at all just giv me a shout :)

Dai Dai

and if need any advice at all just giv me a shout :)
Thanks I really appreciate your advice.+ Rep. The guy i got them off of stated they were Purp Kush but without knowing I am suspicious it may be a lower less Indica strain. But based on your previous statement as long as its not overly Sativa i should be good. Im really hoping it is a high I to S ratio because hieght will be an issue later. Look like Purple Kush to you? i will post up pics ( i like taking pics) as they grow so if anyone can pinpoint the strain feel free to let me know.


Active Member
yes they are not bad at all but they got streched out bad...give them a stable grow area and they will be fine

Blazed Hippie

Active Member
Does this look like a stable grow area?
It looks like you may have a problem with humidity and or heat if you dont leave the door open. This fan may be way too small for this room. Also you should worry about security being its in a house thats not a part of yours. :hump:

EDIT: +Rep for the homer bucket

Dai Dai

It looks like you may have a problem with humidity and or heat if you dont leave the door open. This fan may be way too small for this room. Also you should worry about security being its in a house thats not a part of yours. :hump:

EDIT: +Rep for the homer bucket
Thanks, im not too worried about security as its somewhat hidden but as for the exhaust vent i knew i would need one and today proved it, so that is first on my list of todo. well here are so updated pics under cfl so the color is better. they all look MUCH better and the 2 larger ones were dry again so i fed and have decided to stop spraying after doing some reading and now they are not as brittle so im not as worried.


Dai Dai

Yeah I dont have an exhaust vent yet so when it gets overly hot i have to turn the HPS off for a bit the pics are just side by sides of with the HPS and with the CFL. luckily its been mostly cool out so the temp hovers around 80*. Here is another update, decided to switch around my setup to in compliance with local laws, rather than 6 growing and 1 mother I will have 4 growing with 2 mothers of different strains. Also I am a super noob to growing and have done all my research on hydro so when i got these in soil i have been trying to figure out a good watering schedule but i guess it has not been enough. i have learned to water untill it drains out the bottom (correct if wrong) and the large one took almost 1500ml, im hoping that as long as i keep this up they will start to grow toward the light instead of falling to the floor! Another thing, i took cuttings from the large one, any comments or suggestions are welcome, please let me know if i made or am making any mistakes. (besides not having an exhaust)


Dai Dai

So the light i had the cuttings under got hot as fu*k, like twice what the 600HPS is and im pretty sure i fried my cuttings in the 6 hrs they were there. you tell me??

:wall: I dont know whether to be mad at my dumb a$$ for not knowing better or sad to have to learn from such a newbie mistake:sad:

Dai Dai

Alright so the cuttings look a lil better and the blocks were a bit dry so i gave them fresh water. I upped the solution strength as they seem to be sucking up much more then before ( sign they are coming out of shock hopefully). I bent over the large mother to expose the two smaller stems in a hope they will fatten up. Please let me know if i bent it too far.(Pics below) As for the medium one i topped it at what i can tell is the sixth or seventh alternating set. At this point it would be to late but if you see that i have made a mistake any advice would be appreciated.
