Need Help Setting Up The Timers On My Ebb Flow System


Lol of course that could be the reason, the suggest of not letting your plants get above 85 degrees isn't just an idea. the plants can get burned (from the raising radiant heat) and could also go into shock, which would cause ur plants to droop, they could also be water logged (are they still green or are they turning brown/yellow?). Are you not watering them enough? More info = Better Soultion


Well-Known Member
I'm going to guess (since you asked is it ok to use tap water) that you don't have a ppm meter. And so now, you added to many nutrients, the solution is saltier than the the plant roots and the plants can not uptake anything. A condition known as "lock out". But as an fyi my e/f table 15 on and 3 hr off.