Need help, possible defiency?


I am super noob but it looks lik you might be over doing it on the nutes. aka nute burn. Have you been using nutes this early? usually when planting in soil you can wait a few weeks before adding nutes as the soil will have a ton of nutes readily available. So if you added nutes on top of this you could easily burn them. if you havn't added any nutes then I have no idea....once again i dont know much so wait for someone else to comment with more experince.


Well-Known Member
Yeah Looks like u need to start feeding..but u are lacking information... If u want help..good help...u need to be hella more descriptive


Well-Known Member
Tap water filtered by a brita water filter then left out over night. The water here is the best water for growing I personally have ever had.


Well-Known Member
A plant that size can be overfed from being put in soil that is too hot for it. This locks out nutrients which should not be confused with not giving them enough nutes. Also could be signs of heat stress.

What is your soil mix and how hot are they getting?

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
Hey Yodaweed

I'm leaning towards a Cal-Mag def from the info/pics provided
Dr. Jekyll

I'm leaning towards the damn Brita stripping what few minerals your water has.
You may only have one showing issues now, but one always has to be first, the rest will follow suit in due time
Mr. Hyde


Well-Known Member
Thanks Mr. Hyde that's what I am thinking too, I just filled a separate jug of water for watering tomorrow and I am going to let it sit out over night to remove chlorine and begin watering this plant by itself with the non-brita water. If it works that's the problem not going to try nutes yet for sure.


Well-Known Member
If the water doesn't work I am going to try some cal/mag nutes , would Epsom salts work ok for this? I know they have mag in them but not sure about cal.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Mr. Hyde that's what I am thinking too, I just filled a separate jug of water for watering tomorrow and I am going to let it sit out over night to remove chlorine and begin watering this plant by itself with the non-brita water. If it works that's the problem not going to try nutes yet for sure.
OK, the point of a deficiency, it will not get better by just going to regular water unless you have an unusually high calcium and magnesium content in your water (which I doubt). You need some MagiCal or CalMag. Epsom salts might do it, but I leave the chemistry up to the chemists that already made the stuff. The pre-made stuff also contains a little nitrogen, which is GOOD for vegging plants. Now...MOST water systems that are current, do not use chlorine anymore. They use choramine which can't be evaporated off the water. I don't know if you have already checked with your water department (say you are setting up an aquarium and would like to know which they use). If the chloramine level is really, really low, it will not bother your plants for their life cycle - I would use distilled water for germinating, just in case. You need a PPM tester and a PH meter if you are going to use your own water. These things become MORE valuable if you are going the chemist route of trying to use household stuff. Your youngest plants haven't shown deficiency yet, because they haven't needed the increased nutrients due to their small size. It WILL happen.


Well-Known Member
Need help, what's wrong with my plant? It has yellowing on the leaves even the new ones it grows it has yellowing on it.
It looks like it needs to be fed and givin' some Epsom salts...Epsom salt is the Mag in Cal-Mag, just mix about a teaspoon to a gallon of water and feed her, and I don't filter my tap water as it has chelated minerals in it your plant needs, and setting it out for 24 hours is BS...I don't let my water set at all, just pour it back and forth about 5 times from jug to jug and use it, this way it doesn't lose it's oxygen content...JMO...peace...