Need help, plants r dying!!


Ive been growing these four plants for more than a month now and everything was good until out of no where they started lookin like crap. theres 12 cfl lights running, and the only nutrient used was some root grow stuff. I bought some bloom booster today and added it in to make them healthier. I feel like this is a ph issue cause wen i tested it the soil was around 7.0-7.2. Im just not sure what went wrong exactly but if anyone has an idea on how to fix this it would be appreciated.View attachment 479972


WRong type of lights for veg.. should have been using daylight cfl.. they are higher on the blue spectrum.. those lights look yellow.. wrong end of the spectrum for veg stage.


bud bootlegger
they look like they need some nitrogen.. nitrogen promotes nice green healthy leaves.. and since you said that you haven't feed them other than root stuff, i would say and get a good veg nutes. you said that you gave them some flower nutes, but flower nutes are lower in nitrogen as plants don't need as much nitrogen during flowering as they do in veg.. i had a few plants that looked kinda similar to those and after i feed them once they really turned around.. they seem like they are getting kinda big to be going without any nutes... you can get good veg nutes anywhere, just look at the bottle and the n % if the first one in the list..