Need help on TEMP.


Well-Known Member
hey guys i need help trying to keep my room at a good TIMP. I live in the South United States and was wourding what do yall use to cool yall grow room down or warm up................Thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
I live in a pretty temperate climate so I don't use much more than a fan to exhaust the room. I think that eventually, I will hook my fan up to one of these. It can cycle your fan on and off based on the temperature of the room. If you really want to also control humidity, then you could get something like one of these.

Outside of that I'm just guessing, but if that still isn't enough to keep your room cool because your source air is too hot* then you could get an AC unit with a digital thermostat like one of these.

I haven't read about anyone having their grow get too cold, because those lights and ballasts give off a lot of heat. But I guess if it gets too cold for that though, you could get a space heater with a digital thermostat like one of these.

*ugh, how can you live in that heat?


Well-Known Member
thanks for the help hey is that what they run for the thing that control himidity cuse i thought they might be a little cheaper my question now is do yall think that i need it


Well-Known Member
come on guys i need help to get my new cycle up and running as soon as possible


Well-Known Member
thanks for the help hey is that what they run for the thing that control himidity cuse i thought they might be a little cheaper my question now is do yall think that i need it

Do you mean a dehumidifier? That's something separate. What I showed you, was something to control your exhaust fans, a space heater, and a portable A/C unit. Did you look at those links? Shop around, I'm sure you can get that stuff cheaper. Of course, I didn't search for the best deal for you. It's likely that no one here will do your shopping for you.

Do I think you need it? How would I know? You haven't given any information about your grow.

Please don't take this the wrong way, and I don't mean to be gruff, but you are going to have to do a little more work for yourself. Begging for help isn't really going to provide you with enough knowledge to grow. Right now, you are coming off as incredibly lazy, which is probably why you haven't gotten too much help so far. Did you look to see if you could get a cheaper one? Go to Google, type in dehumidifier or whatever and look at the shopping links. It's Internet 101 stuff.

At the end of the day, no one is going to hold your hand through this. There is no magic list of "what you should buy" to grow. It's up to you for your individual situation. You have to learn how to find this stuff out for yourself. Read the growFAQ link at the top of the page. Do forum searches for info. Buy a grow book.

Any of those should give you an idea how to get started.

Good luck, my friend.
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Well-Known Member
thanks for the help ive done all of that iam just wanting to see what else every body is running and stuff like that trust me iam not lazy i just was and the only reason why i asked is cuse i cant figure it out ive tryed and cant find what iam looking for that is the only reason why i would ask trust me iam not lazy


Well-Known Member
Well, ok. Sorry about that, I didn't mean to insult. I'm sure you're not lazy.

But again, what are the details of your grow? How big is your space, what's your light, grow medium etc. It's not like one unit will work for everyone.


Well-Known Member
my set up is 2 600watts high pressure sodium air cooled ....extra fan 197CFM.just for fresh that to much....i have panda plastic on all walls and roof but the flor is astro truff.....i have a rotating fan.....stiffing up the stalks....but my plants just dont stay alive i dont know if its the netrutants or what what do yall use i just use the walmart stuff...before never had a problem with it until my last to grow cycles and come to think about it thats when i moved my set up out side in my i need diffrent nutrents for it beeing in my garage then before....thanks for the help....ive looked for the answer but i cant find it where people have actually told me what would help so iam lost....but thanks for the help....