need help on a set up


Active Member
hey im not quite sure how to really build a hydroponics system if ne 1 could post sum pics n give me sum specs on stuff n i want to be able to hold 5 plant just starting off


Well-Known Member
I would suggest that you look in to a flood and drain table..there will be a table, with a resivor underneath, and a flood tray on top..A timer will kick the pump on filling the tray to the desired hight, the excess will drain out a outlet, and when the pump kicks off the remaining water goes back down the way it came up..down the pump..Very simple..Your plants will live in baskets filled with clay.. You can also use this setup for veging your plants, then move them to another location..I like that because I can pick and choose what plants are ready for bloom...GL


Active Member
but how do i no wen to have the water fill up n how long to let it fill up and how about sprayers do they work good


Well-Known Member
Easy, you will have a timer set for 15min 4 times a day. I bought a digital timer for this. Now for the water level, the pump will go to tubing, the tubing ataches to the bottom of the tray. Now the tray has a inlet and a outlet, the outlet has adjustable hight capitbilities. So the pump kicks on, fills the tray to the level that the adjustable outlet, and the pump continues to run until the timer kicks off. When the pump kicks off the water runs back down the pump, draining all the water...I hope I described that right...I am medicated at the moment..


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Check out my tub, I have a fogger and air pump in there with drip heads to each plant. I do have a flow thingy that hooks up but don't use the extra resevoir. I check the levels everyday and the tub holds at least 30 litres.