need help new at this leafs ar turning yellow and sum are dieing

need help my leafs are turning yellow and sum of them are dieng and fallen off if sum1 cud tell me y and wat i can do to prevent it happing anymore cheers


Well-Known Member
more info .. How old are your plants ?? whats your PH how many PPM ?? Sometimes the lower big fan leaves will die and fall off as the plant matures if they look dead just pull them off to allow more light to the lower branches...
they are about 6 weeks old they have beem on flower 4 2weeks now my ph is 5.8 and my ec is 0.8 fanks 4 the help its my first time and need all the help i can get i have been pulling the dead 1ns off wat do u think is corsing this 2 happen

ken 2010

hello it sounds like you have a nitrogen (N) problem like most plants cannabis uses N more than any other nutrient without enough N leafs turn yellow starting with bottom and gradually moving up the plant eventually the leafs fall off hope that helps

dirk d

Active Member
what nutes are you using?? need to put in environment conditions before anyone can access and give advice. also need some pics dude. are your plants from seed or clones???