need help!! my cuttings are flowering way to early!!

HELP!! im growing some cuttings outdoor in southern spain and their starting to flower way to early! They've been growing outdoors for about a month now an were coming along nicely until last week when we were hit with some bad weather!! It got cold and rained non stop for a few days and where i kept them sheltered from the rain they weren't getting direct sunlight all day!! Now the weathers great again and the plants look healthy problem is their about a week in to flowering!! is there any way i can get them back into vegetative stage or is it to late??
Appreciate any help! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
If you can, move them into an area that gets maximum light and day length. They'll be back to vegging in a couple weeks.

If possible, place them near a porch light that you can run until late evening(10PM). This should increase the photoperiod enough to force revegging a bit more quickly.

In truth, with so many folks having their plants go into flower at such late dates, I'm wondering if the Icelandic volcanic eruption is affecting light spectrums and intensity enough to cause this?


Well-Known Member
yeah the rain was needed but this buddin shit is about to make me get a job or two its just to fuckin early for this stage...


let it go dude they'll revert i have the same problem and it took mine 3 weeks to go back and i am getting veg growth again.
wow if the Icelandic volcano is to blame thats mad!! Thanks for the help looks like their going to be chilling by the porch light for the time being! So im taking it i just keep giving them their veg growth food as normal? I also read that a good nitrogen feed will also trigger them back in to veg stage? Would anybody recommend it?