Need help asap DWC


New Member
Ok so to start off the strain of seed I got is super skunk. They said it should be relatively easy to grow and disease resistant.
My plant was growing slow for the first 3 weeks with no nutrients because I couldn't afford them. Then I ordered the nutrients and added them a lil but every week and it's like ever since then my plant has just been straight up dying. I keep the ph at 6.5-6.8 it likes it there according to he bible. I posted about my brown roots from another plant and people advised me it was beginning stages of root root I got peroxide and doused my roots and grow rocks with it and still the problem has yet corrected. I've went back to plain water for 3 days and it's like my plant is stuck in shock I tried to correct all issues and none seem to be fixing it idk if it's because I don't have cal mag or I need a bigger air pump. I'm using tap water. My plant went flourishing after a 3week late start to this almost dead zombie



Active Member
I'm no expert and I hope others respond but one thought I have is that your plant is too deep down it's well. The flora should be above the surface of the top of your cups not tucked down inside of it. This will cause it to not get enough air circulation and will perhaps cause too much moisture. The root rot you need to buy something for , I heard that hydrogen peroxide really isn't the best fix for it. And yes you may need a better air pump if you are getting root rot but also you might have bacteria in there somewhere.


Well-Known Member
My first thought...I believe you are reading the wrong bible. Try this .

My second thought... more seriously...DWC should be PH'd around 5.8

My third thought.... use the search bar at he top for "dwc advice"

Hope it all works out for you. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Sounds like victims of a weak air delivery system.

More bubbles in the column directly below the roots. ;)

Large cylinder airstones and active aqua commercial pump (only use half the outputs)


New Member
Sounds like victims of a weak air delivery system.

More bubbles in the column directly below the roots. ;)

Large cylinder airstones and active aqua commercial pump (only use half the outputs)
Will go buy a bigger pump tonight from Walmart I figured that's what it wAs