Need Guru Help again Hermie issue pollen release


Well-Known Member
Ok all you gurus I have another question.

I thought I had a true female but it looks like she is a Hermie. I plan on taking her, no wait it, out of the flower room today.

I just found a two pollen sacks one is like a ball and the other looks like a bunch of bananas..

My question is this. If the pollen sack is open like a group of bananas does that indicate that the pollen has been released?

If so what is the best method for cleaning up my flower room before I introduce a new set of plants..

I could not get a clean picture to show I will try at lunch to get a few pics..

Thanks in advance for your help...



Well-Known Member
If the pollen sack was opened then all its pollen was released into the room.

Everything needs to be taken down & wiped clean using an oil based household cleaner,ive used murphys oil soap with success,spray any cracks that you cant get intro to clean properly with a heavy mixture of murphys,then repaint everything in sight to catch any pollen not caught by the cleaning.


Well-Known Member
Clean that room up other option if you want seedless crops in the future.


Well-Known Member
If that's the only plant you have you might as well let it finish so you can have some bud. Seeds or not it's better than chopping early.

After you are done you can clean up with any strong disinfectant like lysol or pine-sol etc. Or even a mild bleach solution...

(Just don't mix chemicals and kill yourself with deadly fumes)


Well-Known Member
Well decissions decissions. I have two plants in veg I want to get into flower so it looks like I will take the hermie out.

Here is a good pic of the Shemale...