Need ferts for outdoors or not??


Well-Known Member
Got a question regarding whether or not to purchase liquid ferts and use for my outdoor grow. It's my first grow and I have holes set up with a blend of Pro-mix BX, perlite, and coir mixed with some natural soil and the bottom and sides of the holes are a denser almost clay type of earth.

I keep reading about ppl using Foxfarm liquid ferts like Big Bloom and Grow Big and I'm reading that they provide excellent results. Are these used in Outdoor grows as well as indoors? Can't really tell if ppl are using them in their outdoor plots. I know that some ppl say that if your soil mix is good in your plots and the natural soil is nutrient rich., that you don't need to add anything. But since this is my first grow, I'm not positive that the soil is nutrient rich. I sure hope it is, but can't say for sure. I'm hoping to gather some more grow materials this weekend and want to know if The fox farm line is something I should be picking up or if someone can recommend something, if I need it.

My seedlings are just starting to speed up growth and still have their cotyledon leaves at the moment. I fed them a single dose of fish emulsion 5-1-1 last watering because I was worried they may be hungry soon. :shock:

If I do buy liquid ferts or any kind of food that I manually water into the soil.. my issue is that my plants are only going to see me 1x a week. 2x absolute tops due to their remote location. Should I just leave it well enough alone and hope the soil is nutrient rich or should I buy some liquid ferts? I'd like to maximize growth and buds if at all possible and from what I've read and seen the fox farm line up does just that. Im quite worried that my plants are going to be hungry...Thanks


Well-Known Member
Im using the same 5-1-1 Alaskan fish ferts for my northern lights outdoor grow, and I added some greensand and dolomite lime to my mix in 5 gallon buckets. Im an outdoor rookie myself as far as growing serious strains. But id say as long as you use mild stuff that wont burn em its fine to suppliment outdoors.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. But Im specifically wondering about the fox farm line up. DO ppl use them for outdoors? If so, is it the kind of thing you have to water into your plants on a daily basis?? Is there any kind of outdoor grow and bloom ferts that can be added on a weekly basis?


Well-Known Member
bradn doesn't matter. As long as you can give the plant what it needs. If it has a nitrogen defficiency then you need to give it nutes same wuth phosphorus and magnesium and so on. You just have to give the plant what it needs. You can tell by the leaf coloring. There are threadz and websites that tell you exactly what the leaves look like with different problems. Some people use all natural nutes like manure. Depends on what you want and if you want organic bud or not. Its all personal preference.


Well-Known Member
dopeyG, I understand your point. But to me, that would imply that I would wait for signs of something wrong and then try to fix it. I do see your point in reading the leaves to see what they are lacking and what they will require, but at that point it could be too late.. and since I can only visit them 1x a week mostly, I don't know how well that would work. Im really banking on the native soil being decent but I am wondering if perhaps someone could recommend a general additive for veg and one for flowering as well. Something that could be added on a weekly basis through watering or something that could just be put into the ground initially. Basically, I'm trying to avoid having to wait for a problem to show up and having to scramble to fix it. Like I said, Im using Promix BX, coir, perlite and a bit of native soil. Im planning to plant in the next 1.5-2 weeks hopefully and I'd like to either add something to the soil before that time or buy the ferts I'll be needing before planting them. Im really afraid of the chance that my setup will be lacking in something the plants want and Id feel a lot better with some kind of veg liquid fert and flower fert (or something that does the same thing) that I could add to make sure the plants aren't starving. Thanks

edit: for example was looking at this:

What interests me is this line, "For Soil – add 30 milliliters (1 oz.) per gallon of water. 2 –4 applications per month."

Looks like something I could add every few times I was out there to check up on the plants... any good? Ideas?


Well-Known Member

Looking to pick anything up I'll need this weekend.. anyone who understands my concerns and can help me is greatly appreciated.