Need EXPERT harvest advice and a show of hands

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
This is a WhiteWidow I grew.

I took some cuts from it and then,
put it on an RO only diet,(no pH)
under cfl and uvb

It looked like this after 6 weeks.

Here is what the budz looked like after the 6 week flush,
with the room temp at 66º

It was very very smooth, and I miss it.
Could it be that the plant used the bud as an energy source? It would seem to me that after two weeks into your flush with RO only that you would have consumed all the energy from the leaf(but they are dark purple) they don't look like the atypical color of a flush in progress where nutes are withheld. Whats your thought on this?

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
That's what I thought.

People with sodium restricted diets are even being warned these days not to drink softener water, as well. Can be up to 320mg/L NaCl in softener water. I wouldn't put it on a plant.
Not that it matters but you can use potassium tabs in the softeners instead of salt-----My RO line comes from a separate line in the house(not the soften line) you know my situation---my tap water is 716ppm's hard as &^^&. You have to have a softener or your skin will be jerky:mrgreen: