need advice

I have northern lights growing in a 3 plant rdwc system. 1 of those plants some how developed root rot. They are scrogged out so I was diagnosing the canopy for problems but when nothing seemed to help I knew the problem had to be the roots. I pried the lid up enough to get my clean hand in there and felt the dreaded slimy feel of rot on the very bottom of my roots so 7/8 of my roots are healthy. I need advice on how to save her. I'm going to completly change my reservoir out and turn back my light intensity on that side of the room. The other 2 plants in the same system are very healthy and doing well. I can't send pics of the roots they are scrogged so I can't. Here is my setup.

3 northern lights 3 weeks into flower all clones from the same mother
Rdwc system 3 20 gallon totes and 1 10 gallon control 1200gph pump
2 70l commercial air pumps each tote and the control have 6 big airstones
1/4 chiller res temps are constant 68ºF
2 1000w solis tek lights cooled
10" ho exhaust fan for room lights are 8" ho
Room temps 84º lights on 78º lights off around 45% rh constant (dehumidifier)
Foxfarm nutes with hydroguard and cal mag
Ppm 600
Ph between 6.3 and drops after 2 days to 5.6 where then I adjust for the swing again.
No light can enter system everything is black and insulated ie light proof
Also 2 18" wall mount fans for movement

This is my first hydro grow and these plants are hugh. Any advice on how to salvage her would be greatly appreciated. I have no idea how it got sick the other 2 are fine.
I did it won't help with rot. Hydroguard is about the only thing I can use and I already do. I wish I knew how it developed in the first place. The only thing I can think of is normally I change the res every 2 weeks but because of work its going on 3. Today it will be changed and every week till harvest. I'm thinking maybe if I build up tons of beneficial bacteria in the system maybe it will help. She is still alive but her canopy and bud production looks like shit compared to her sisters makes me sick thinking about it.


Well-Known Member
I did it won't help with rot. Hydroguard is about the only thing I can use and I already do. I wish I knew how it developed in the first place. The only thing I can think of is normally I change the res every 2 weeks but because of work its going on 3. Today it will be changed and every week till harvest. I'm thinking maybe if I build up tons of beneficial bacteria in the system maybe it will help. She is still alive but her canopy and bud production looks like shit compared to her sisters makes me sick thinking about it.
Sack the plant and smoke it if it's not going to finish out well mate. It's hard to do but worse thing that happens is you have some bud to smoke while waiting for your other plants to finish. Wasting time and nutes on a plant that has problems late in flower doesn't make sense to me.
Just thought I'd share what I found was wrong so somebody else dont make the same mistake I did.

My rdwc setup was wrong for the massive plants I grew. Each tote is 20 gallons but kinda on the shallow side. I have 1 1/2" pipe, that connects them all together. The plant that got the root rot was my biggest plant. What happened was the roots completely filled the tote and grew into the pipe clogging it. No solution was being circulated through it for god knows how long. If I would have designed my room better ( bigger deeper totes ) it would have not happened. So if you're reading this take my advice in rdwc your roots get hugh. Seeing it on YouTube is nothing compared to real life. Now I'm going to cry myself to sleep lol. Thanks for the help.