need advice from a backcountry grower


Active Member
every thing is changing for me during the next couple moving,new job and other shit going on so im not going to be able to stick to my plan of ordering seeds,getting soil to my i have saved 30 seeds over the past year of some good local going to start them this week under t5 for 6 weeks before putting them outdoors just before i move,around may ? is im going to have to use the soil that is there.the soil is really not that bad,i looks nice and dark.what should i add to the soil to give my plants what they need to get good growth and good bud?thanks for any info


Well-Known Member
Well it depends. generally you want to add some good compost, dolomite lime (more or less depending on acidity of native soil), I always like to add blood and bone meal, some manure, perilite, all that good stuff, mix it in with native soil and you should be good to go.


Active Member
Well it depends. generally you want to add some good compost, dolomite lime (more or less depending on acidity of native soil), I always like to add blood and bone meal, some manure, perilite, all that good stuff, mix it in with native soil and you should be good to go.
i was thinking of making some super soil home then bring it in and mixing with the soil at my spot ,about 1/3super soil and 2/3 soil that ill be digging up form my holes


Well-Known Member
it needs more nutes probably then using supersoil as an amendment. I would say atleast find some good compost if you cannot get all the other adds.

You should test your soil so you know what you are dealing with, a test kit is cheap. Perlite is very good as most soil is to compact for optimal plant growth. Again this is area dependent.


Active Member
If no ones there to water these I woudn't invest shit.Unless you live in the rain forest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
put any bone meal or blood meal at least 6 inches below the surface. make two layers of improved soil. the meal will be waiting for your roots. if you have meal near the top, animals will dig it up.


Active Member
i will be able to water once a week
i really wanted to have time to bring roots organic soil to my spot but im going to be spending most of my time going to spend a week end digging and preparing the soil.its not a far move me only about 10 miles so i can still take care of them.


Active Member
my holes are going to be 2by2 and 2 feet deep.this is what im thinking of doing.go to my spot and dig and prepare holes 3 weeks before i move my plants to there new home.when i dig my holes im thinking of adding
3 tbl of green sand
4 tbl of bone meal
3 tbl of blood meal
4 tbl of kelp meal
4 tbl of dolomite lime
6 tbl of dry 5-5-5 fert. by foxfarm
2 tbl of powdered rock phosphate
1tspn of azomite(trace elements)
worm castings
mix all this with the soil,let it sit for 2 weeks,then do soil test(bring ph up or down)then put plants in there new home
do you think the soil will be too hot?the holes are good size 2 feet by 2 feet,almost 10 gal of soil


Well-Known Member
Perlite and vermiculite stand out and catch the eye.

Good, half rotted compost will serve as a soil conditioner and provide nutes, as well.

Once planted, gather leaves and dead grass and place a deep layer around each plant.

This helps conserve water and keeps the root zone cool.