Need advice for potting soil add on for organic indoor grow


New Member
OK Im thinking about using 60% kellogg patio plus (cheap and easy to get ) with 20% perlite and 20% coco

What should I add in and how much ? bat guano , blood meal etc etc

Just the basics and must haves nothing to fancy and I will be feeding the plants teas at least 2 times a month.


New Member
Here is the recipe I use, it is taken directly from The Rev's book True Living Organics.

Base mix:

2 gallons quality organic soil mix
2 gallons thoroughly rinsed coir (coconut fiber)
2 gallons perlite (small nugget size)
2 gallons earthworm castings (fresh castings, and/or fresh compost works too)

1 1/2 cup Grow or Bloom "Pure" by Organicare (or 1 cup 5-5-5)
1/2 cup greensand
3/4 cup ground oyster shells (1 cup if no crushed oyster shells)
1 cup crushed oyster shells (optional)
1/2 cup dolomite lime (powdered)
1 3/4 cup prilled (pelletized) fast-acting dolomite lime
1/4 cup blood meal
1/4 cup high N bird/bat guano
1/2 heaping cup feather meal
1 cup un-steamed granular bone meal (I found this hard to locate, so I use steamed bone meal)
1/2 cup bulb food
1/4 cup powdered soft rock phosphate
1/2 heaping cup powdered gypsum
1/2 cup kelp meal
4 heaping cups composted steer manure (this inoculates your mix with specialized microbeasties and primo organic matter)
1/2 cup Azomite granular (add an additional 1/4 greensand if no Azomite)
1 cup granular humic acid ore (such as Down to Earth brand)
1 cup alfalfa meal (or 2 cups pellets- make sure pellets are all organic no additives)
1/2 cup rock phosphate granular (optional)
1 heaping cup organic rice (important for the good fungi in this soil mix)

The Rev says at the top of the recipe- Let me first say that this mix was designed to be cooked first, and to be use with pure water sources like reverse osmosis, distilled, or rainwater only! Also this mix is designed to be used in concert with the TLO style of using "layers" and "spikes".

Hope this helps! Happy growing!