Need advice asap plz +rep


Active Member
if i was forced to harvest in the rain due to bud rot should i trim while its wet or let the whole plant dry out first before trimming? would i still get the hash from cutting on the scissors like i would if it was dry? opinions


Active Member
yea i mean i deffinetly want to trim it but will i still get that hash that collects as you cut even if its wet or will i be sacrificing that due to water?


Active Member
im literally contimplating going outside and cutting it but as we speak its raining... its driving me crazy all day i been going back and forth on what to do lol
yea bud in in the same position. bud rot is bad this season lost almost half of my harvest. 2 days of rain coming up so i chopped half of what left today and goin back for the rest tomorrow morning while its raining. sux cos i still wanted to wait a week or even two
just noticed your post on my thread. id say if you only have that one spot then just clip that and spray it. and keep the plants out for another week or whatever. mine are completely infested its horrible


Active Member
yea to late just chopped it lol smells great now im on to trimming i guess gunna keep checking the forums see if somebody can answer my hash question not trimming that close yet...


Active Member
i would shake them suckers off like crazy and let them dry out for the nite then do some trimming in the mourn,,,i find if im trimming when they are wet that the plant doesnt seem as sticky....i trim fan leaves then let her hang then go at it with the same pair of sissors if i can manage..


Well-Known Member
i only trim off the fan leaves when i pull em out the ground and save all the rest for later. i think its easier to get a fine trim when they are a little dry. not all the way dry cuz then ur gonna knock off a lot of crystals. and for the hash i never made it with rotted bud or made scissor hash i only save the trimmings from my final trim and make both bubble hash and honey oil. i dont save the fan leaves that i cut off initially. and if i had rotted bud i wouldnt make hash out of it, i would throw it away but thats just me it might be perfectly ok i just dont see how.


Well-Known Member
leaving them in the rain for a matter of hours isnt going to make a huge deal with the bud rot..
just shake them off like some one said, not too much tho dont want to damage buds or anything, be gentle now.
trim off the major stuff, chop it. hang it upside down, put some newspaper down (easy cleanup) and trim the rest.
maybe blow a fan on it as its drying to get the excess water off faster
good luck.


Active Member
k so i chopped it about 7 tonight let it hang for about an hour and then trimmed up half of it seemed to come out nice i had 1 big bud that had the rot i threw it out i didn't use it for anything not the hash that wasnt what i was asking then i found like 2 or 3 buds with a little rot but other than that im good should turn out great i trimmed up half of it tonight and the other half i'll do tomarrow when i get out work i'll post some pics of the final product thanks everyone for the advice and as for the rain its supposed to rain non stop all week long not just for an hour or two i have work so unfortunatly i cant shake 4-5 times like i should be able to only once so i didn't want to risk it so i cut it its my first grow and im looking at probably like 3ozs so im happy its a learning experiance and from what i hear this season is exceptionally bad in NE so hopefully the next will be better!