So I live with my sister.. whose very against me growing. SO much that I took down my grow box that i had going so she wouldnt bitch and rat on me. I am addicted and want to get this grow done! atleast two plants. I was planning on buying a 400Watt HPS/MH Apollo light and rigging it into a tall and skinny cabinet. Something that i could hang the light in and just leave my two plants. I want to add two fans and I just need it to be quit! trying to keep the price below 400$ If anyone has any designs or ideas please let me know

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
Sorry son... But you need to get your own place before you pull some shit like this... Think about it, if she rats is it worth going to Jail?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
if it's your crib, she can kiss your ass while you grow dank nugs in the living room, or hit the bricks, if it's her crib, you need to nut up and shut up.

growng dope under somebody else's roof is a fucked up thing to do, specially if their shit can be seized because you wanna be a 1/4 oz kingpin running a "Marijuana Factory' in a cupboard.

how much of a shit will you feel when some squimp rats you out, and she gets rolled up with you, and loses her house, her car, her job and everything cuz you felt like growing a tiny little nug in a dixie cup?

grow your shit our in the woods, or stick with tomatoes and kitchen herbs if you feel you just got to put your hands in some dirt.


Well-Known Member
a cabitnet with your new hobby on top of it, a Aquarium :D

fish tank will "hide" your wires and sound, and if you do it right you even have water right at hand so you don't have to run to your bathroom and collect it, even some real good water actually, drop a few gold fish`s in the tanks and a air pump that will also mask your ventilation sound from the few PC fans running old air out the back side of the cabinet, use LEDs (I know they are costly) heat is next to non so only a few PC fans is needed as you only need em for air/co2 exchanges, a small clip on fan and two 3 gallon air pots and your off :D

well just how I might do it, use what ever part of it you might like or build on the idea`s


Im sure a 400W MH/HPS could work, but heat and sound from big ventilation systems might not be what your looking for if you want it stealthy, T5HOs might be a option, but I would say a 120W LED to start with could easily grow you a few small auto`s Etc.
Two the first two commenters I live with my sister under a roof that my parents bought for us while we go to school. So it's equal when it comes to who owns the house. I have been growing in a box and literally shut it down today because my big plant ended up being a male. Either way I want tall and skinny something that could sit in my closet maybe. Anyone see something at Home Depot u can buy and assemble? I recently saw one with a lock. It was plastic and about 80 inches tall. I just want to get others input on what I should add into the setup besides the light

Mumbo Jumbo

if it's your crib, she can kiss your ass while you grow dank nugs in the living room, or hit the bricks, if it's her crib, you need to nut up and shut up.

growng dope under somebody else's roof is a fucked up thing to do, specially if their shit can be seized because you wanna be a 1/4 oz kingpin running a "Marijuana Factory' in a cupboard.

how much of a shit will you feel when some squimp rats you out, and she gets rolled up with you, and loses her house, her car, her job and everything cuz you felt like growing a tiny little nug in a dixie cup?

grow your shit our in the woods, or stick with tomatoes and kitchen herbs if you feel you just got to put your hands in some dirt.
I'm tired of people sitting on their high horse on the internet, dude just shut up already lol. What's with all the personal attacks and trying to make op feel like shit for growing a plant?

There's other ways to let him know he shouldn't do that, no need to be a prick about it.

@op. Dude, just wait it out til you get your own place. Have you thought about going guerilla? Might be a better option for you right now and you can still grow monsters ;)
I'd suggest you not let any signs out that you're growing though, especially if she's willing to call the police.

Also, listen what these guys are saying regardless of the way they went about it. There is nothing morally wrong with growing weed its self imo (I'm sure all of us share that opinion). But the truth is, unless you're doing it legal, you're putting yourself at risk. In this case, you're also putting your sister at risk. That's not the right thing to do.

As for the previous insults and insults to come, don't act like you've never done anything wrong. :leaf:

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
Then get your parents permission. Your sister has no say.

Once you get your parents permission you can go all out, and your parents need to talk to your sister about this as well. She can have a different guy over every night putting STDs all over the wall and carpet, but you can't grow weed? Bullshit
Haha wait. My sister isn't a slut haha... And idk I think what I'm gonna do is collect small amount of equipment until I get my own place. I have Mylar coming haha I ran out. But that was before I made this decision. Next Buy Apollo 600watt

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
Doing it in your own place, you will most defiantly be happier.

When you think about it though, I am being a hippocrate... Because I've grown in a apartment, and a home that I was renting... So technically, unless you buy a home you never really have "Your Own Place"

About your sister, that's Bad news for me man....... jk..... Kinda


Well-Known Member
if it's your crib, she can kiss your ass while you grow dank nugs in the living room, or hit the bricks, if it's her crib, you need to nut up and shut up.

growng dope under somebody else's roof is a fucked up thing to do, specially if their shit can be seized because you wanna be a 1/4 oz kingpin running a "Marijuana Factory' in a cupboard.

how much of a shit will you feel when some squimp rats you out, and she gets rolled up with you, and loses her house, her car, her job and everything cuz you felt like growing a tiny little nug in a dixie cup?

grow your shit our in the woods, or stick with tomatoes and kitchen herbs if you feel you just got to put your hands in some dirt.
LOL. Brother here gives some wise council.
a cabitnet with your new hobby on top of it, a Aquarium


Well-Known Member
Regardless of who's permission you have (or don't have), are you really willing to risk your sister's safety by growing indoors while she's living there, particularly when she seems vehemently against it?

Wrong, on so many levels.

For the love of all things ethical and moral, either get your own place or grow outdoors away from this property.

Be conscientious and courteous to your fellow man, or in this case, your own blood. Seriously.



IMO, more importantly, why does your sister disapprove? Legal concerns? "Moral" grounds? Sharing the power bill with you? Something else?

Then get your parents permission.
I think all that might do is snub the sister without affording the parents any benefit of plausible deniability. It also increases the number of people hep to what is going on. First rule of Fight Club.

I agree on using LED light for stealth. Greatly reduced heat means far less necessary ventilation and the noise that comes with it plus reduced power consumption. They're expensive, though, and a lot of people still don't think they're viable replacements for fluoros or HIDs.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I'm tired of people sitting on their high horse on the internet, dude just shut up already lol. What's with all the personal attacks and trying to make op feel like shit for growing a plant?

There's other ways to let him know he shouldn't do that, no need to be a prick about it.

@op. Dude, just wait it out til you get your own place. Have you thought about going guerilla? Might be a better option for you right now and you can still grow monsters ;)
I'd suggest you not let any signs out that you're growing though, especially if she's willing to call the police.

Also, listen what these guys are saying regardless of the way they went about it. There is nothing morally wrong with growing weed its self imo (I'm sure all of us share that opinion). But the truth is, unless you're doing it legal, you're putting yourself at risk. In this case, you're also putting your sister at risk. That's not the right thing to do.

As for the previous insults and insults to come, don't act like you've never done anything wrong. :leaf:
if you think runnin around behind somebody's back growin dope and putting their shit at risk because you dont think theres anything wrong with it, then youre a selfish prick.

i dont think theres shit wrong with growin dope neither, but lying to the PoPo or disobeying an unjust law is an entirely different thing from lying to your kin, and doing shit behind their backs. thats the kind of shit tweakers and crackheads do, just before they start stealing from grandma's purse and sucking dicks for rocks.

if you think deceiving your kin and running a grow behind their backs, and lying about shit is a good idea, then you bring Shame to the Game.

if you think im on my high horse, then it's just because youre lying in the gutter.

my horse is an entirely reasonable size.


Active Member
I dont think you will be able to fully hide an indoor grow from someone whom you are living with, especially with the investment capabilities your implying ;)

It takes a fully sealed cabinet / grow room with decent equiptment to make it unnoticable when people are around for a little time.
But for someone who shares your residence 24/7 ..... it only takes a few seconds of opening the grow location and your room and hallway is likely to reek of it for a few hours.

You could use Ona gel as a supplement to mask odours ... but ... that will eventually stick out too, especially if your sis does the cleaning in house :P

Best approach would be to convince your sister to allow it.