Need a really fast answer please


Well-Known Member
Hey I have a white widow, and purple widow plant outdoors right now, They have been flowering for quite a while now, and it appears it is going to rain soon. Should I cover them with lets say a trashbag or something? Or will they be ok? Thanks : )


Well-Known Member
should be fine i think, indoor grows people spray their plants with fizzy water for the co2 the whole way through and i dont think any of the crystals get washed off from it


Well-Known Member
damn, this is what I was afriad of : (... 2 different answers. As for umbrella that seems smart, but would be a bit difficult in current situation because winds are pretty strong. Mogie what do you think would happen if I let them get wet?

Thank you both for such a fast responce, plus rep to both : )


Well-Known Member
Only thing I am really worried about is bud rot... wouldnt this be a factor if the buds got wet? Also I just watered them today, with 2 gallons of molasses and water, but the soil was really dried out, if it rains to much, could this cause overwatering? My "Earthbox" is built with a sort of resovoir in it, but Im not sure where the water goes if it is applied to the top of the soil...

If you would like to see pictures of them, you can click my grow journal in my signature, or go to the thread called. Can you find my treetop grow? Its in newbies forum.

Thanks everyone : ) I think for now im going to pray that it dosnt rain.


Well-Known Member
damn, this is what I was afriad of : (... 2 different answers. As for umbrella that seems smart, but would be a bit difficult in current situation because winds are pretty strong. Mogie what do you think would happen if I let them get wet?

Thank you both for such a fast responce, plus rep to both : )
you may get mold if they stay damp, but if it's going to be a few days of sunny wheather, you shouldn't have a prob. i don't pamper my outdoor plants, and they always turn out fine.



Well-Known Member
First and most obvious is losing the beautiful crystals the plants have worked so hard to build up. Second any disease that favors high humidity is invitied here.


Well-Known Member
Also depends on the severity and length of the rain. Is it gonna be a downpour or just a light shower? Just a light shower no big deal.


Well-Known Member
So would most of the crystals be knocked off by the rain? Also could high winds take these crystals off? Your right though, I really dont want to lose them : ( I touched one of the smaller buds, and I swear it was like I had glue on my fingers, when I put my fingers together, they were hard to pull apart : )

damnit I hear thunder : (
I really need to deciede what im going to do, and how im going to do it .


Well-Known Member
i've never had a problem with breaking trichomes from rain... even in a downpour... the most damage i had to plants was in a hurricane. many broken branches, but the buds were still nice and sparkly. around here, rain comes maybe once a week, and it gets hot. the moisture evaporates before mold or disease has a chance to set in.

mogie, please tell me about the worry of losing trichs? i realy need to know, as this years outdoor plants won't be tended to but every couple of weeks or so. thanx!



Well-Known Member
I am not sure, the sky dosnt look to bad, but thunder sounds mean... I will check the local news real quick. I bought a hat with a unbrella on the top, im sure you guys have seen these before, what if I just placed it on top of one of my colas. lol Im just kiddin the unbrella on the hat is so small, it wouldnt do much, but I think it would be a really funny picture, especailly if I took it while it was raining. : )


Active Member
Go take a tarp and and get 4 poles that are taller then the plants and connect the tarp to the poles and move over the plants OR move your plants inside for the night shed or somethng


Well-Known Member
So would most of the crystals be knocked off by the rain? Also could high winds take these crystals off? Your right though, I really dont want to lose them : ( I touched one of the smaller buds, and I swear it was like I had glue on my fingers, when I put my fingers together, they were hard to pull apart : )

damnit I hear thunder : (
I really need to deciede what im going to do, and how im going to do it .
Come on this is getting silly - rain won't hurt them, but I wouldn't want the soil getting wetter than it is, since you just watered them.

Anyone would think these plants were never grown outside in the sub-tropics!


Well-Known Member
Well we know they can grow outside in the rain, its just the question of will the trichosomes be knocked off. I have no doubt these plants can survive the rain. And I cant move them, they are just to massive. The plants are White widow and Purple Widow. And I dont have a tarp or poles. Umbrella would be my best bet, but winds are a bit strong so not sure if I could stabalize is well enough so that it wouldnt blow anyway.


Well-Known Member
And as for the soil not getting any weter, I have alot of old newspapers, like... alot of them, could I just stack them all on top of the soil, and have them absorb most of the rain. I dont think its going to rain to hard. Or should I try and get something better then newspapers?


Well-Known Member
Alright well I guess im just going to let them be then, but just in case I got some yarn and im going to tie down some of the trichomes, just to be safe : ) lol


Well-Known Member
If your concerned on it falling over I would just move it inside a bush or something. Tying down trichomes...i'm assuming you are referring to tying down branches. If it's going to get really windy just take it and put it around some cover. That way the other bushes take the brunt of the wind.