need a fake id!


Well-Known Member
I need a fake id, anybody ever order one online? what company and how was the experience and the result?


Well-Known Member I used them when I was 14 and just checked they are still there. It took ages for my ID to come I had given up by the time it came but it work when i did get it!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the sites! So what is a j1 visa card? which card do you think would be best for use in California/ the united states?


Well-Known Member
Keep in mind that after 9/11 fake IDs went from "kids being kids" to "fuck me in the ass" prison time. See, the same site that makes I.D.s to say you are 21 also makes them for foreign nations who can use them to get on planes in the US. I know I used to see a lot of "artist" offering services on a hacker/gaming board I hung out at and then the site owner got a visit by the FBI with a "National Security Letter" (basically means "show us everything we want to see and don't tell ANYONE about it or we will arrest your ass").

Be VERY careful buying fake IDs online, I know the FBI's cybercrimes guys are pretty l33t.


Active Member
lol just wait man im 20 and I have 9 more months oh YEAH! anyways meet some older friends then they can buy for you. that site is for UK people. If they have some for Americans that would be sweet. I would like one for age 25 so I can rent a car.


Well-Known Member
lol just wait man im 20 and I have 9 more months oh YEAH! anyways meet some older friends then they can buy for you. that site is for UK people. If they have some for Americans that would be sweet. I would like one for age 25 so I can rent a car.
I got over a year left, thats too long. plus my older friends/ cousins are always drunk when i ask them to get me some and I can't go in with them or ill get carded too. Figure it would be easier to just use a fake and go to walmart where no-one cares


Active Member
I know man it sucks the laws should be like Canada. When were 18 we can go to war but we have to wait till 21 to drink and gamble. Bullshit! Thats why I say fuck the law.


Well-Known Member
I know man it sucks the laws should be like Canada. When were 18 we can go to war but we have to wait till 21 to drink and gamble. Bullshit! Thats why I say fuck the law.
me too, except I can gamble in Cali at 18 lol. Yay indians!