need a doc.. wierd stuff going on...



I have some yellow leaves, some curved ones and some deformed leaves... what's going on here? I really donot understand... It was going so well... But now I see some sick symptoms... please help! :?:

info about the plants:

I am growing in a cabinet, indoor

I have two fans. one powerful exhaust and a small fan ventilating fresh air in.

My watering schedule is once in every 3-4 days..

The PH is around 6.5 and the heat is around 23-28 Celcius Degrees. The humidity: around 35-55

I had planted my seeds about a month ago. And now in the "Vegetation Stage" and waiting for a couple of more weeks before going on to 12/12 flowering..

The lighting is with 8 Light Bulbs (i am using white wiselite 72Watss (5300 Lumen) each for vegetation, will then place yellow daylight ones for the flowering)

For the nutrition I had used a root solution once.

Now I use a "N" based vegetation solution by BioBizz



Well-Known Member
It doesn't look like nute burn to me..... It looks like copper deficiency although it is rare. Possibly some zinc as well. I'm not familiar with Biobizz but I would make sure they are getting their micro nutrients through some sort of supplement. Your solution is metering at 6.5 or your runoff is metering at 6.5? Test your runoff and post the results.

Perhaps they are not getting these micros or they could also be locked out if the PH of your medium is out of whack. I just don't think its nute burn and I wouldn't wait to find out by stopping feeding altogether.


Well-Known Member
I use boibizz how much ml of nutrient are you mixing with what liter of water? ratio are you mixing?
i used to mix up in %50 of the written amount...

now i put %25 or less.. but it seems that i gotto stop that and use plain water...

there are 3 plants there on the pictures... and one at the back (first photo) has no yellow leaves... but the other two got those leaves in the last two days... and they seem unhappy...


Well-Known Member
. the problem looks like either too much or too little of something. only YOU ,young padawan, knows
but they mos def ready for flowermode


Active Member
get a small quart of dyna-gro liquid grow and dilute it to spray... spray it to the leaves twice a day and see if it's a nute deficiency (chances are your short on nitrogen since it's starting on the older leaves)...

...on one of the last pics it looks like mold is forming, but it's too soon to tell give it some time...
I gotto know if its N deficiency or N burn?? I got so many different comments now I donot know how to treat!!

should I add or should I stop adding??


look like nute burn to me.
did this happen after the feeding with your n based fert? was it their first time feeding?
you may flush and check the runoff ppm-ph to be sure and later give them a complete fertilizer at half dose no more than 600ppm.


Active Member
yeah,nute burn possibly too much watering..cut the nutes and water only when top few..(2-3 ) inches of soil are dry..strait water for a week or two..