Need A Connect


Well-Known Member FEDERAL mail only though...............Im a member of 4 clubs and probley can set you much money do you have to spend.............and do you know differance from johnson grass and Scrub oak pollen.


Active Member
You are going to get a lot of shit for this thread man, so I am going to be nice. You can't come on here looking to buy bud. Thats not what this place is about. The cali clubs only work in their states, as it is a state law that allows them to exist in the first place. The U.S. government does not recognize these laws, as much as we wish they did sometimes.


Well-Known Member
Look around online try tradekey or you can do it the old fashion way and just ask around worst thing they can say to u is freeze ur under arrest..


Well-Known Member
:sad:Do the cannibis clubs in california mail medical marijuana to other states?
Yea man, I can hook you up. My process is pretty smooth too, what I do is mail the bud a brown bag with orange peels inside, with a giant stamp on the outside that reads, FRAGILE, MARIJUANA INSIDE.

Only accept cash through the mail, so if you're good, we can get started. Your first order though has a minimum. You will need to purchase 2 lbs first. I have the best prices on the net. $1750/lb -- so your first order will be for $3500. And remember, cash only please.

Let me know if you are interested. Thanks bye!