N overdoes...


Well-Known Member
Hello guys I've got a nitrogen overdoes was wondering if someone could help me with a remedy.

Dark green leaves, possibly post a pic tomr


Well-Known Member
home mix of manure vermiculite and peat, home mix of soil.

I added bloodmeal bonemeal and organic fert(kelp fish extracts ect.)

Leaves are dark green, I'm worried it'll mess with bud production. Getting the photo now give me 10 min.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm...I don't like goofing with the girls once they've started to flower. The only real way to rid yourself of what you feel is too much N is by changing out your soil. I highly doubt any amount of 'flush' is going to leach out your N to any satisfactory level and if it does, surely your plants are not going to be happy. I guess you have 3 options; leave them alone, re-pot them with new medium or try to leach out the excess N. I think if it were me, I'd leave them alone and chalk it up to learning. You'll be better on the next go round. Good luck. And for the record, many moons ago I did the same thing as you...and I left them alone. No the end result was not what I wanted, but bet your tail, I learned my lesson.


Well-Known Member
Worst case scenario bad taste in smoke and low yield, something along those line right?

I over did the blood meal.


Well-Known Member
Maybe, maybe not...you may be surprised.

You have probably 8 weeks to go. Maybe they'll use up the N you have in there already. Again, I think I'd just roll with it and see. But yeah, the blood meal is pretty potent stuff in terms of N.


Well-Known Member
nice looking, just keep an eye on it. organic N will degrade over time, and as you get later into flower it won't use much N, it will go into the P and K..........also watch your Ca..

nice plant


Well-Known Member
Maybe, maybe not...you may be surprised.

You have probably 8 weeks to go. Maybe they'll use up the N you have in there already. Again, I think I'd just roll with it and see. But yeah, the blood meal is pretty potent stuff in terms of N.
That's my schedule, looking to chop latest in Feb, I appreciate your opinions and words from experience thank you. :)

nice looking, just keep an eye on it. organic N will degrade over time, and as you get later into flower it won't use much N, it will go into the P and K..........also watch your Ca..

nice plant
That N better get degrading asap :D, and thanks keeping it small n sweet. The ladies are starting to get frosty, I dont smoke anymore but the smell of a finger rubbed on fresh trichomes is intoxicating:weed: