Mystery Strain - 1st Journal Ever


Active Member
Going to start a grow journal for personal use and out of boredom.

Need To Know:
Started as a clone, given from a friend of mine. Unknown strain, infected with some awesome White Powdery Mildew. Probably because he stressed the clones out and left them in a box for a long time with no circulation or light, or they got infected when put outside in his garden. The clone was started pretty late into the season, i cant remember the exact date but it was definitely passed the point of an ideal start. Regardless that wasnt going to stop me.

2 grows before this, one involving a single plant, turned out terrible, got maybe a quarter. Last grow was 9 plants, 4 sweet skunk, 5 northern lights. God that was awesome. Rain got to it, a lot of them got budrot, had to sacrifice a lot of my crop but got a few oz out of it in the end. So im still a pretty big noob, but i've grown plants not just weed for almost all my life, love greenthumbin.

So the soil is pretty mixed up.. There is some peatmoss, perlite, some cow manure from a local farm, and some soil from my garden, mushroom manure.. just a lot of stuff because ive re-used this soil and each year i always add some fresh stuff to it give it some more kick.

So in total my ferts have been approximately like this:
-2 doses of Miracle Gro tomato at the start. I had nothing else.
-Then throughout most of the veg state ive fed it GreenPlanet Medi-One 4-3-3. Starting at a very mild dose and ramping it up each time. I cannot give precise measurement apart from my last dosage which was 15ml/2.5gal, because it was awhile ago.
-Since flowering has started i have stopped the Medi-One feedings, and switched to Jungle Juice Micro/Bloom. First feeding was very mild because it was soon after the Medi-One and i just wanted to begin adjusting towards bloom nutrients. 4ml/to about 30 L.
-Plant began to start show signs of yellowing within the first week-second week of flower, maybe 1 leaf a day turning yellow, it wasnt super severe:
But i decided to dose with more nitrogen since it was still early in flower and the plant still needs some nitrogen for the initial flower induced stretch.
10ml micro, 10 ml bloom Jungle Juice / 10 gal water. (i was pretty worried about the sudden increase, but the plant just seemed like it was a hungryyy plant throughout its entire lifespan)
-After this dosage, there was VERY minor nute burn, and i mean super minor. Maybe 2-3mm up the tip of the leaf. So i was debating whether to flush it or not... Decided not to since it was soo minimal and so far the nute burn has not advanced anymore so hopefully i made the right choice.

Earliest pics i have:
Beginning the LST method if its even called that, i just bend the fuck outta my plant, always done it like that, like to keep em low and bushy and spread out.

Taken 5 minutes ago:

I realize I am startin this journal a bit late.. But I'd still like to document the rest of this journey, and my dealings with WPM, maybe itll help out some other growers down the line. Got a lot of free time now too so ill keep updatin. This plant is breakin into its third week of flower i wanna say. Maybe just shy of that. Its a primarily outdoor grow, moved indoor when its rainy/super cloudy.

The growbox:
500W HPS light, i keep the fan blowing on the ballast to cool it and spread some more heat around, temp range is pretty good from 20-24. No humidity meter :(.

So today's entry will be something as follows:
Found about 4-5 leaves with some WPM, maybe 3-4 spots on each(first time since about 2 weeks). Seems pretty mild, havent sprayed the plant down with anything yet, waiting on the dark period. The day was super nice and sunny, plant was outdoors most of the time. Will bring it inside for the rest of the light period since there is no more direct sunlight available. The plant will stay indoors till morning, if sunny, itll go outside, if cloudy/rainy, itll stay inside.

After the feeding a few days, leaves are still yellowing even with the added nitrogen. Either it is not enough, or this strain simply yellows early on in its flower. I figured switching to chemical ferts would have more bang so going with a strong fert ratio would fix the yellowing/assumed nitrogen deficiency. I cant say that is has. Fan leaves are still going yellow so Im just going to go with that being attributed to natural yellowing due to flowering. Its about time the buds start gettin a lil fatter. Also as im writing this, I just realized the nute burn may have burn the cause of the WPM outbreak, the stress may weakened the immune system allowing the mildew to take hold.

Lets see whats up tomorrow.


Also i read WPM is not a fan of water... Which is weird. But apparently misting in the early morning before harsh direct light is present is beneficial in thwarting this fucken STD of a plant disease. May try that.
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Well-Known Member
Going to start a grow journal for personal use and out of boredom.

Need To Know:
Started as a clone, given from a friend of mine. Unknown strain, infected with some awesome White Powdery Mildew. Probably because he stressed the clones out and left them in a box for a long time with no circulation or light, or they got infected when put outside in his garden. The clone was started pretty late into the season, i cant remember the exact date but it was definitely passed the point of an ideal start. Regardless that wasnt going to stop me.

2 grows before this, one involving a single plant, turned out terrible, got maybe a quarter. Last grow was 9 plants, 4 sweet skunk, 5 northern lights. God that was awesome. Rain got to it, a lot of them got budrot, had to sacrifice a lot of my crop but got a few oz out of it in the end. So im still a pretty big noob, but i've grown plants not just weed for almost all my life, love greenthumbin.

So the soil is pretty mixed up.. There is some peatmoss, perlite, some cow manure from a local farm, and some soil from my garden, mushroom manure.. just a lot of stuff because ive re-used this soil and each year i always add some fresh stuff to it give it some more kick.

So in total my ferts have been approximately like this:
-2 doses of Miracle Gro tomato at the start. I had nothing else.
-Then throughout most of the veg state ive fed it GreenPlanet Medi-One 4-3-3. Starting at a very mild dose and ramping it up each time. I cannot give precise measurement apart from my last dosage which was 15ml/2.5gal, because it was awhile ago.
-Since flowering has started i have stopped the Medi-One feedings, and switched to Jungle Juice Micro/Bloom. First feeding was very mild because it was soon after the Medi-One and i just wanted to begin adjusting towards bloom nutrients. 4ml/to about 30 L.
-Plant began to start show signs of yellowing within the first week-second week of flower, maybe 1 leaf a day turning yellow, it wasnt super severe:
View attachment 3773189
But i decided to dose with more nitrogen since it was still early in flower and the plant still needs some nitrogen for the initial flower induced stretch.
10ml micro, 10 ml bloom Jungle Juice / 10 gal water. (i was pretty worried about the sudden increase, but the plant just seemed like it was a hungryyy plant throughout its entire lifespan)
-After this dosage, there was VERY minor nute burn, and i mean super minor. Maybe 2-3mm up the tip of the leaf. So i was debating whether to flush it or not... Decided not to since it was soo minimal and so far the nute burn has not advanced anymore so hopefully i made the right choice.

Earliest pics i have:
Beginning the LST method if its even called that, i just bend the fuck outta my plant, always done it like that, like to keep em low and bushy and spread out.
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View attachment 3773184

Taken 5 minutes ago:
View attachment 3773196

I realize I am startin this journal a bit late.. But I'd still like to document the rest of this journey, and my dealings with WPM, maybe itll help out some other growers down the line. Got a lot of free time now too so ill keep updatin. This plant is breakin into its third week of flower i wanna say. Maybe just shy of that. Its a primarily outdoor grow, moved indoor when its rainy/super cloudy.

The growbox:
500W HPS light, i keep the fan blowing on the ballast to cool it and spread some more heat around, temp range is pretty good from 20-24. No humidity meter :(.
View attachment 3773206

So today's entry will be something as follows:
Found about 4-5 leaves with some WPM, maybe 3-4 spots on each(first time since about 2 weeks). Seems pretty mild, havent sprayed the plant down with anything yet, waiting on the dark period. The day was super nice and sunny, plant was outdoors most of the time. Will bring it inside for the rest of the light period since there is no more direct sunlight available. The plant will stay indoors till morning, if sunny, itll go outside, if cloudy/rainy, itll stay inside.

After the feeding a few days, leaves are still yellowing even with the added nitrogen. Either it is not enough, or this strain simply yellows early on in its flower. I figured switching to chemical ferts would have more bang so going with a strong fert ratio would fix the yellowing/assumed nitrogen deficiency. I cant say that is has. Fan leaves are still going yellow so Im just going to go with that being attributed to natural yellowing due to flowering. Its about time the buds start gettin a lil fatter. Also as im writing this, I just realized the nute burn may have burn the cause of the WPM outbreak, the stress may weakened the immune system allowing the mildew to take hold.

Lets see whats up tomorrow.


Also i read WPM is not a fan of water... Which is weird. But apparently misting in the early morning before harsh direct light is present is beneficial in thwarting this fucken STD of a plant disease. May try that.
PM Is a huge fan of water. Dont mist them if it is visable, unless ur treating it with mildicide/fungicide


Active Member
PM Is a huge fan of water. Dont mist them if it is visable, unless ur treating it with mildicide/fungicide
Really eh? I straight googled the fuck outta WPM today and its prevention methods and read that it didnt like water... Which i thought was weird cause mildew/mold loves humidity/moisture aka water... But ya. If i spray ill include some hydro perox then i guess.

Is water ineffective even if it is not visible? Is there no truth to the statement that water can kill PM?


Active Member
I can see that being a rare exception from the rule, spraying before direct sunlight.
Hmm, okay, so just curious but any idea as to why water would inhibit the propagation or growth of PM? Ill give it a whirl and see what happens. I really cant see the harm in spraying the plant with some water while a fan is on it too to dry it off and not have any stagnant air.

Any idea if its safe to spray buds directly with a h202 mixture?


Active Member
I'm a noob only couple grows. Sounds legit google is a man's best friend!
Lol i feel you man. I did google this before.. I really couldnt come up with a definitive answer, even posted in another forum about spraying buds directly. I know jorge cervantes dipped his stuff in h202 when he had WPM and just let it dry off.. So i figure its chill ;P. Cheers for the input though homie.


Active Member
Update #2 (Second day since last):
  • So the passed two days ive been combing the plant regularly for traces of WPM only to find out to my surprise that its completely vanished.. for now. So I havent done a thing because if it aint broke dont fix it. Ready for it if it comes back though.

  • The pot seemed to be pretty light, so i did a finger dip into the soil and it was pretty nice and dry , shes drinking it up real fast now. Since there was some very minor nute burn i gave her a realll nice good chug of clean water, so far so good.

  • Even after what i thought was a pretty good feeding, the plant is STILL showing signs of yellowing leaves.. Its still not terrible but gettin a little worse. I dno if the stretch has passed, or if the plant is still doing its flower-stretch, but it really has seemed to got much length.. maybe its hard to tell since I have been doing some LST but I just imagined more length. So not super sure how to proceed with feeding.. The top canopy generally has a nice layer of green leaves and seems healthy.. Might just half my dose of nitro and go hard on the bloom ferts next feed. At the same time I feel like shes healthy since the WPM is at bay.. so yeh hard to say how exactly to go about this. Im chalking up the yellowing due to natural causes from flowering.

    Canopy pic:

  • Buds are startin to get a lil bigger and finally showing signs of frost :D ( durp this pic uploaded upside, no clue why)

    Anyway, will update in a few. Is there any general rule of thumb on feeding frequency? I fed her nutes maybe 5 days ago, then some clean water yesterday. Im assuming that next time shes dry I give another dose, will play by ear.


Active Member
Update 3(5 Days since last)(week 3-4 flower):

Aright, so to pick up where I left off.. Plant was still showing hunger for nitrogen with leaves yellowing faster and faster. So I said fuck it, slammed the bitch with some more Medi-One, and i mean a solid serving, dosage was about 30/ml a gallon. Few days later, and shes goin great.. Seems very vibrant, leaves are pokin up and reachin for the sun like its the first time shes seen it. Not sure if I should just continue feeding the Medi-One alone or add in some more bloom ferts, we shall see.

New Discoveries:
Spider mites! Woo. Had them for longer then I realized because a few leaves had these weird spray paint mist spatter on the top sides of em, white dots. Lo and be hold, that's the effects of spider-mites eating on my lovely plant juices. After extensive research.. Chose to hit my plant with some neem oil. I was weary at first with all the back and forth opinions on neem but decided to put some raw undiluted neem oil straight onto a leaf, came back and saw no harm or change in the leaf's health.

Put 3 caps of neem oil into a litre of water, with a lil tiny bit of Safer's Insecticidal Soap, not sure if it helps like a drop of dawn but figured it'd add a lil extra punch if anything. Took her out of the sun, and sprayed down the living crap outta her, she was drippin, had the plant nearly 90 degrees tilted spraying the undersides too. I dont see any new damage, I see no webs..

I left some eggs on a leaf, i can only assume they hatched and fucked off because i see no signs of mites. Hopefully i dodged that bullet.. Spraying again today, maybe even some intimate leaf rubbin, who knows how ill be feeling ;).

Pots getting dry.. Will most likely water soon, then feed after that.

So to finish up this entry, so far so good. The WPM is completely gone.. I havent seen a peep of it. Healthy plant = strong immune system = no wpm. Spider-mites are gettin nuked again today, hopefully thatll be the end of that. Almost at the end here.. 5 more weeks maybe.

Pics(taken with an actual camera, not my shit iphone 4 this time):

Trich/Up close Pic:
IMG_4642.JPG IMG_4643.JPG
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Active Member
Not an update to my plant. I just wanted to iterate and stress the benefits of using Neem oil..

So after discovering my mites on my plant, i sprayed with a super diluted solution of Neem oil / safer's insecticidal soap. 3 caps of neem, few ml's of the soap, 1 litre of warmer water. After spraying, there was no further marks of spider mite damage or infestation. Surprising to me seeing as neem oil works more as of a future generation deterrent without immediate effects, and the soap i feel was so diluted that it wouldnt have that instant affect that happened for me.

Fast forward to today. Yesterday i stuck out my two lil 8 inch clones outside, today they are COVERED with mite bites:
every single leaf. They sit RIGHT next to my main woman, and she is unscathed. Its almost as if all the mites migrated to the clones lol. Maybe thats a decent way to control the mites? Have one weak plant to soak up the pests and deal with em on her without fucking up the rest of your crop...

My plant about 6-7 days after treatment(absolutely no signs of new mite damage):

Anyway.. Just wanted to add to the sea of opinions on Neem. It worked amazing for me.. Ive sprayed twice, plant responded super well to it and i dont see mites. Just sprayed my clones too.. well see what happens. Hopefully someone finds this useful!


Active Member
Super late update, last one was 3 weeks ago:
I purchased GP massive and some black strap molasses.
Gave the plant a full dose at the recommended levels of massive + medi-one. My PH meter was broken and i totally fucked my PH. This resulted in phosphorous lock out. Almost every leaf started to shrivel up greyish blackish around the edges and start to die.

I flushed the shit out my plant and a few days later re-dosed with some jungle juice bloom + micro and black strap. Although it did stress her out a bit, she pulled through I'd like to think, and ill still manage to get some decent bud... Just not as much. But hey something > nothing.
Here are some pics from latest to most recent:
IMG_4666.JPG IMG_4695.JPG IMG_4700.JPG IMG_4699.JPG IMG_4698.JPG

So i figure i have a week tops left. Some buds are 50/50 orange/white hairs, some more, some are still totally white. Ive already started the flush, should be smooth sailing from here on it. I was worried the buds would be super airy at first, but damn in 5 days they just picked up so much density and thickness, its got me anxious. Trich colors are still pretty immature. The outer leaves are starting to amber, but the inner buds are still mostly clear/milky so i got time.

From here on in, im gonna flush once more, let them finish up and chop down. Curious to see how much i get even with all the fuck ups.