My Window Sill Grow - [VIDEO] [PICS]


Hey All,

Planted this puppy May 16th. Been in the same spot its entire life - right by the window! Well, it is getting near the end of its lifespan and since this is my first grow, I would like the opinion of others as to when I should cut this gal down?

Very sour/citrus smell. Buds are growing all over the stalk and clumping.


just lookin for general advice/opinions/thoughts/comments. this is my first grow and being a window sill grow, i dont know if many of the indoor/outdoor guides can apply etc...

some of my questions:

1.) many journals i see, the plants seem to be dying when they are near the end. the leaves shrivel, drained of color. this plant is as green as can be. does this mean it isnt close to being done?

2.) using your current knowledge, what kind of ETA would you give this plant in terms of being ready for harvest?



Well-Known Member
Incredibally healthy looking for a window sill. And that's been growing a long time. Good stuff.


Well-Known Member
How do you create complete darkness at night if it's by the window (lights inside)
Looks like another couple of weeks you should get a mag glass and check the trichomes


Well-Known Member
Considering its light source, it looks decent. What strain is this? Which direction is the window facing? I imagine most strains (apart from autos) wouldn't thrive well in that position, but i'm glad to see yours has impressive structure.

I believe the leaves may loose colour when sending all remaining sugars up for the buds final growth spurt.
thats a nice looking stock, nice job
Hey All,

Planted this puppy May 16th. Been in the same spot its entire life - right by the window! Well, it is getting near the end of its lifespan and since this is my first grow, I would like the opinion of others as to when I should cut this gal down?

Very sour/citrus smell. Buds are growing all over the stalk and clumping.


just lookin for general advice/opinions/thoughts/comments. this is my first grow and being a window sill grow, i dont know if many of the indoor/outdoor guides can apply etc...

some of my questions:

1.) many journals i see, the plants seem to be dying when they are near the end. the leaves shrivel, drained of color. this plant is as green as can be. does this mean it isnt close to being done?

2.) using your current knowledge, what kind of ETA would you give this plant in terms of being ready for harvest?



strain is early misty.

the window faces west/southwest and usually only receives 1h-1h30m of direct sunlight each day, not to mention this is only light that comes through the shutters (dont want ppl outside seeing the plant lol)

the plant is in a room all alone, with the door shut like 80% of the time - and no one really uses the room, so other light sources really isnt a problem. additionally, we hardly ever light up my entire house..we have light turned on in the room we use, and turn it off when we are done. so its never really been an issue

anyone got an ETA on how long I should expect harvest? 2wk-3wk? more?


Well-Known Member
from the looks of things id say about another 2 weeks you do really need to get the eye glass for optimum harvesting but it is an amazing plant i dont know if you use this sight often but im giving you a plus rep + and another for harvest can also pick acouple of the buds you think are closeest and dry them and test while the other continue...i hope this helped you..peace pot prosperity


Hi, I'm trying the same method, and hoping it's going to work as good as yours. How much did you end up getting off the plant? Does it get really cold on the window of a night time, that seems to look like main problem i will have. it goes from 30-22 degrees in the day to 10 degree's at night. and the coldness from the window get's pretty cold. Any help would be great, it's my first time grow.