my weed timeline


Well-Known Member
germinate: 3-4 days
vegitate: 60 days
flower: 50 days
dry: 7 days
cure: 14 days

total: 135 days

i made this timeline based on an average plant, some may vary quite significantly.

and please correct me if i'm wrong, i'm not 100% sure.

hope it helps.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
That looks like a reasonable timeline. The biggest variable will be flowering time and that is usually strain specific.


Active Member
do u need to veg 60 days tho? i guess if u have crappy lights u might, but, what do you have for lights cause u can cut that down with good lights


Well-Known Member
2 good manths will get the most out of it.
thats what most ppl would define a 'monster' of a plant...
but yea
you could get by with about 45 days but the yield would be a bit small.


Active Member
a monster is no good if u dont have the lights to flower a monster. i'll betcha 50 bucks i can get as much yield on a smaller plant as u can on a monster unless u have great lighting.... its just not worth it, but its ur plant, go for it


Well-Known Member
is a 400 watt hps and 2 36 watt CFL's enough?

calm down btw i wasn't competing with you haha....


Well-Known Member
blackbeltusa has the right concept; a monster plant won't do you much good without the lighting to flower it.

You basically have a 400w light; that is not near enough for a monster plant. Consider that the effective depth of your light is 3 to 4 feet, and at 4 feet it's piss-poor - even at 3 feet it's nothing to brag about. Now consider that your plant is going to triple in size during flower (for certain with a 400w - the less light, the more the stretch.) Now, if you grow the plant in veg until it is 2 feet high, for example, it will hit at least 6 feet during flower. With your lighting you will only effectively produce (good) buds at the top 3 feet of the plant. So, you spent all that extra time in veg for nothing. Get the idea? You could veg to about a foot, end up with a 3 foot plant and still get the same yield, more or less. On top of that, it is difficult to maintain a healthy plant when it is a monster and you only have lighting for a 'normal' one.

If you need more explanation let me know, I'm in a real hurry here and typing like a madman. LOL By the way, the above is very much an example, the variables are huge. Some sativas grow 4 times their vegged height in flower ... and that's just the beginning. :-) Really gotta run ...

FYI - I use 2 x 1000w HID lights and veg at 6 inches - SOG style grow - with a strain like White Widow that I am growing now, 4 ounces per plant is a realistic expectation - 4 ounces vegged at 6 inches. See what I mean? And my veg time is less than a month from seed. I suggest you rethink the monster idea too, but that's just my opinion. There are thousands of others.


Well-Known Member
that was really, really well written
thanks very much i understand now.
i thought that they dont grow much in height after veg has finished....
thanks alot hey...