My veggie/ fruit garden for 2012


Active Member
Here are some pics of a veggie/fruit garden I had this year. Some of my plants I didn't include in this post , like my pineapple ,sunflowers radishes and my hydroponic lettuce I had indoors



Active Member
Here are some pics of a veggie/fruit garden I had this year. Some of my plants I didn't include in this post , like my pineapple ,sunflowers radishes and my hydroponic lettuce I had indoors
pretty awesomeFREERAINGEZOMBIE , I've planted radishes before and had great luck. Had terrible luck with these:

Chocolate Flower.jpgGreen Wizard Rudbekia.jpgLion's Tail.jpgMock Orange.jpgDwarf Umbrella.jpg should start these for us brown thumbs...i mean bums (pictures not mine)