My Two Female Big Buds!!


Well-Known Member
looking good
get good nutrients and yes co2 helps if you have a closed environment where the co2 cannot escape or else it is a waste


Green Thumb of God
Seriously looking great my plants never look that well maintained. Perfect lush even coloring and everything. Increase the yield by topping and shitloads of light.


Active Member
no there both grown from seeds. I put them outside in the sunlight for about 2 hours everyday to give them co2 and for a little natural air.


Well-Known Member
Be carefull when you are moving your plants in and out of the house. dont forget about spider mites and other bugs. When you take your plants outside, they are more likely to get mites or bugs. when you move your infested plants inside, the mites can spred and ruin your grow. Make sure that eveytime you bring your plants indoors, you thoroughly check for mites and bugs. This happened to me, so i want to make sure I inform you of the the possibilities....Good luck bro...


Well-Known Member
They look great, not sure what your watering schedule is, but twice every 3 days seems like a lot.


Well-Known Member
I no because i bought them, 7 feminized big bud seeds. What is the range of yield for one female big bud plant?
Judging yields is really pointless, its like counting your chickens before they hatch, the best thing you can do to ensure a good yield is to have the appropriate lighting, cooling, and water/nutrient schedule.