My tent grow weekly First grow

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
i think i may have worded that better i wanted 28g per plant that would be 4oz total dry yield from the 4 plants, but i had 14g per plant =2oz(total) as my guess so i was not disappointed with what i got. but if the other plant do as well as this i will be looking at a yield of
140-180g or 5-6oz total yield from this grow and if it all works out 2g of honey oil.

what do you think about the pk idea its only pk with no other nutes?
i am very tempted by this what can go wrong if it needs cutting before that i know it will taste strange. but i can not be as bad as some of the smoke i have got round here.

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
for science give it the shot!

But yeah, a ounce is 28 g's hope you havent been getting 14 gram ounces....

Great yeild tho- anything over an ounce per plant indoors is good- specially for a first grow- and you may even pull closer to 2 ounces off them, depending on how they dry...

Too bad bout the hockey mask- i thought those would have been some of the best RIU photos ever... lol- but i still cant wait to see them!

And i am definitely interested in this honey oil process, take lots of pics and description about it- i have never heard of it, but it sounds SWEET.

Sounds like a very productive morning!

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
ok some pics for you

root ball

before the trim

the trim

after trim in a box in a bag (removed bag for pic) there are quite a few of the smaller leaves left but my daughter was due home from school so i had to hurry, i may do a second trim in a few days i might not thou. it looks worse for leaves in this pic than it did when i was doing it.

the small box thats on my monitor

i so wish i had a hockey mask to put in this pic or my main computer was working properly as i could have added one using c/draw.

my tent with one less plant

i will be giving one of my plants a boost of pk i have not disided which one yet.

sorry about the wait for pics i would have done some tric pics but they havent changed since the last pics i took.

i know my weights i am just not very good at wording some things, i know what i mean thou. lol

over the weekend i will be getting the things i need to make an oil extractor so i will also give you a run down of the cheapest way i find to make one.

but if you want to look at what i will be aiming for here is a link

YouTube - Honey Oil. (1)
YouTube - Honey Oil. (2)
but mine will be smaller



Well-Known Member
Look excellent man! Bet you cant wait to sample!! Whats that all over the stem and knife? (Probably a really stupid question..)

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
corn flour mix with red food colouring and some other stuff, it some home made blood i had left over from Halloween,

i would love to smoke it now as i have run out and can't get any till tomorrow, that if the stuff in the small box has not dried out,
i think it might, it has lost a lot of moisture it down to 24g. nearly 50% of its weight has gone in 8 hours so it might be ready by morning i hope,
as i will be getting a new bong to test it with.

it has a smell but not the strongest i have smelt.

i am sorry to everyone if i haven't kept up with your journals i have had a few hectic days so i will catch up.
i will now tell you why, on my main computer i have a lot of programs to help me to write,
which my laptop has not, i am dyslexic and even the spell checker has problems deciphering what i write.
so i have to try to spell thing many ways before it knows what i want,
but i will catch up with them as soon as i sort it out.


Well-Known Member
Haha ah right thought it was some mutant sap or something lol
Thats fast man sounds good! Im going to be terrible drying and curing my buds if i get to i'll be sampling left right and center :( Keep up the good work man will be well worth all your effort!!

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
thank TGP i am tempted to put some in the microwave just for a few hits tonight before bed.
but i know if i wait it will be better.
i think the 20 odd holes in the bottom of the box helps it lets the warm air in from the monitor. i think i read this on a site some were but i might have dreamt it up myself i lose track. lol

no i can not wait i am going to quick dry some now just a few small bowls worth. LOL


Well-Known Member
Haha go for it just bare in mind the high from slow drying will be better than microwave :) Lets hope the microwaved weed kicks your ass! :) ha

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
no i did not get an ass kickin, but a few slaps round the head with some thing i think it was a cod,

the taste is a bit harsh but i have paid money for worse, the feeling is euphoric and light,
i think i may need to turn the colour down i my living room as every thing is vivid and brighter.
its not a body stoned its very heady its a lot better than the tester i took a week or so ago.
if i had this as my whole crop i would be happy with it but i know it can only be better with a slow drying,
i am happy with it.
now i am going to put some PINK FLOYD on and chill


Well-Known Member
The harsh taste could well be from the quick dry method so i wouldnt worry too much about that. Great news, like you say it will only get better with slow drying and curing :) Enjoy the rest of your evening mate!

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
Sounds like some good bud to me, love the pics, the slayer pic is pro...

Great luck with the others too... looks to be a solid yield!

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
hi again i have been away for a few days, i am back now so this is what has happened, i decided not to give any of the main plants pk,
and gave my little coco plant it instead see if it makes any difference to it.

i am continuing with my plan to harvest the plants at different stages of the trics development to see how much it changes the effect of the smoke.

so i said when i made some honey oil i would do some pics even if it did not work so here you go..


i got a 20ml syringe (did not have a lot of trim) to use as a tube and cut the ends off
removed the filter out of an old kettle the fine plastic gauze at the spout, fitted it to the end of tube (doubled up) with masking tape,
cut a demy-john (wine making bottle don't know if its spelt that way, lol) rubber cork to fit the tubes other end
that is it for the extractor, i filled the tube with ground trim (packed pretty tight)

and here it is filled with the cork in and a nozzle adapter fitted in

i did not want to use any old butane gas as some have a lot of impurities,
so after spraying a few cans of different gas on to a mirror to see which left the least residue after it had evaporated,
i found that SWAN super clean was,(strange a product that is what it says)

next i got a glass bowl, and boiled the kettle filled a cup with boiling water and placed the bowl over it.
(the heat will help the butane evaporate) then pumped the gas in to the tube till the liquid ran clear.

i did this 3 times each time i re-filled the tube with fresh trim then let the gas completely evaporate.
(note that the liquid is very clear)

here i made a mistake as the gas was evaporating i lent over it to get something off the table,
i must have had trim stuck to my hand and some fell off into the oil ( s**t i always cock up some were),
here is the pic after it had evaporated

using a razor blade i scraped the oil in to a puddle ready for use.

as i did not go to town to buy a bong (what with going away) i had to use one i had made a few weeks ago

i filled the bowl with HUNTER #1 (lol)

then put a pearl of oil on top

it's like smoking the same smoke but it's 5x stronger but the effects don't last as long.
i will update as soon as something happens to my plants that is interesting as at the moment its just a waiting game.

i will be looking at the stuff i have missed (journals and other bits on RIU) maybe not tonight (brain going gooey) but tomorrow



Well-Known Member
Hi kulan hunter, I missed you around the forums - thought you were probably away somewhere. Congratulations on an extremely enlightening and very well executed tutorial. Also you did an excellent job of making the oil (and your bong as always). Super job all round mate, thank you! Will definitely give that a go if I ever get as far as having trim LOL. And so glad you enjoyed the fruits of your labours :) Nice to see a man enjoying his work LOL.


OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
you should copy and paste that and make it, its own thread to reach more people, thats a pretty good step by step! props... and it looks great... Sounds slightly dangerous to make... and its also reportedly dangerous to smoke out of that bronze/copper/iron tubbing... but if its all you got, and you gotta get high...

But then theres those last pages in the bible... lol and there blank, so i mean its not that bad... or is it... you decide, but rolling it and sealing it with oil would work amazingly and smoke like a charm i bet...

Awesome Tho!!! wont let me rep you ne more, gotta spread love- but your threads getting full rating lol!!! very nice.

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
greenb, thanks you for you kind comments, i think i will be doing this with all my trim.

s/panda, oh yes its good.

OB, its brass piping i have looked into it as i made a large aluminum shoty pipe only to find it might be bad for me but could not find anything wrong with using brass.
thank for the rep(or trying to rep me i have had that happen to me a few times i should spread the love more lol)

TGP, thanks it worth a try


Well-Known Member
Have you ever come across/ bought "Squidgy black"? It black / really dark brown in colour and its really pliable like putty. You can simply roll it out into one thin long line and place it ontop of your tobacco. The reason i ask is because i cannot for the life of me, find a way to make it. Its like hash but could almost be oil? Id love to try and make it its just finding out how to lol


New Member
Have you ever come across/ bought "Squidgy black"? It black / really dark brown in colour and its really pliable like putty. You can simply roll it out into one thin long line and place it ontop of your tobacco. The reason i ask is because i cannot for the life of me, find a way to make it. Its like hash but could almost be oil? Id love to try and make it its just finding out how to lol

I think there is a jorge servantes video on making this. Not sure ill look around.

Kh: Good shit, i am definatly looking forward to getting to this point in my grow, which btw the leaves are getting really lush green, and the newest forming leaves have not shown the curling like the ones before them.

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
when i started smoking 18 years ago there was only black around, it was mainly red seal and gold seal and now and again red leb. i miss it, now and again it crops up here at about £20-30 per quater, but that only once or twice a year.

i think i might look into making some of that as well. i soooooooooooo like squidgy.
i used to worm it when i made my spliffs.

i can not wait to try honey oil from more mature trics.