My Stealth Grow Set-up... please comment


Well-Known Member
So I am planning on starting a grow soon, I am new to the scene but have been doing tons of research for the past 4-5 months, but I wanted to post on here the details and see what you guys think… all input is greatly appreciated as this will be my first grow and I don’t wanna do anything wrong, or spend money on the wrong things as money is an issue… to an extent… I wont be having a 4-1000W HPS setup lmao…. Anyways this is my plan…
1. This is a small scale stealth apartment grow… its going to be in a dresser, not sure on dimensions, but for now im only gonna have one plant in there, maybe two but we will see
2. It will have 2- 4 inch fans, one intake and one exhaust… and another for better air circulation inside… there will be DIY carbon filters on both the in and out… this will help keep light tight
3. I will be using 8 CFLs in the 6500-5000K temperature range for veg, and 8 CFLs in the 3000-2700K range for flower… OR a 150W HPS with CFL side/supplement/undergrowth lighting… not sure how much Ill be able to spend quite yet LOL
4. The box will be covered in mylar for reflectivity?(is that a word LOL)

That pretty much covers the box setup… I wont know for sure what watt
CFLs to get until I know the dimensions of the dresser, but anyways….
Lets continue

5. Im going to plant in a 4-5 gallon pot( generally one gal. per foot you want to grow… Correct??)
6. Using FoxFarm Ocean Forrest
7. FoxFarm Liquid Soil Formula every other watering (Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom, Grow Big)
8. Light cycle will be 18/6 for veg and 12/12 for flower
9. water approx 2 cups every other day
10. I have some bagseed that I am going to grow first since I will probably do something wrong and will buy seeds when im more confident in my growing/perfected my setup LOL

I guess that pretty much covers my setup…If there are any other questions of things I didn’t list then please feel free to ask LOL!
any tips/suggestions/comments are welcome :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Hi there. Good luck with this next grow. Let me give you some advice... You don't need a DIY carbon filter for intake but if you really think you're breathing the worst air, fine by me but carbon filters are for smell over anything so you don't need to vent in some delicious clean air, its fine. If you're going to grow one plant, i highly suggest you make it worth your 2.5 months flowering. Veg it for atleast 1.5 months, maybe tie it down, and get atleast a 5-10 gallon pot so it will grow really nice. I'm sure you'll be able to hit atleast 2 ounces. As for 200ml watering everyday, thats like 1 cup a day for your 3-4 gallon pot? Not suggested. I'd say you give them around 2 cups of nutrients once a week, wait 3-4 days till dry, then water the same with RO water and then repeat. Don't go all nutrients unless you know what you're doing or you'll make my first time mistake. Have fun! Growing is a joy.


Well-Known Member
i know I dont need the carbon filter on the intake... but nagging wife says i gotta lol.... it will help with light leaks anyways I guess lol, thanks for the tips peter421 +repbongsmilie:bigjoint::leaf::weed:

I guess I forgot to mention I will be attempting SCROG+FIM to help maximize my yeild since I only will have one plant LOL


Well-Known Member
Don't take any advice from your "friend"

A plant that has 18 hrs of light will grow faster than a plant with 16 hrs of light.
Don't trim anything off a plant unless you want to stress it which can cause it to hermaphrodite.
There are feminized seeds but I think if you have seeds already there is very little you can do to ensure a female. There are some products out there but I am unsure of them.
Good luck on your grow let us know how it turns out, learn learn learn, read as much as you can.JR


Well-Known Member
Don't take any advice from your "friend"

A plant that has 18 hrs of light will grow faster than a plant with 16 hrs of light.
Don't trim anything off a plant unless you want to stress it which can cause it to hermaphrodite.
There are feminized seeds but I think if you have seeds already there is very little you can do to ensure a female. There are some products out there but I am unsure of them.
Good luck on your grow let us know how it turns out, learn learn learn, read as much as you can.JR
thanks bro, thats pretty much what I figured, but i wanted to make sure lol +rep :leaf::weed:bongsmilie:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
bump again... come on people any other comments/suggestions... all are welcome please help a n00b lol :leaf:


Yeah, come here, forget talking to that friend about this...

Sex of a seed is predetermined by genetics. Period.

The night cycle on a plant is necessary and crucial to proper growth. Interrupting the night cycle of a plant in veg is more likely to stunt it than to cause it to grow bigger... Plants use their night cycle much like we do... Would you have a better day tomorrow if I flip the lights on at 3 am for a couple minutes? Yeah... and neither do your plants! lol

Watering isn't something we can tell you a specific amount for. For instance, I live in the desert southwest, and if I don't water every 36 hours, my plants start to wilt... Where I'm from in Florida, that would kill the plants... So, that's just something you'll have to play with.

Cutting any material from your plant hurts the plant. Leaves are what drives the engine of growth. All leaves... So, get rid of any leaf and you have a weaker plant, less capable of production and growth... and since NOTHING you can do will make a male a female, just take Professor Jones' advice and "Let it grow..."

And lastly, I wouldn't bother with the bagseed if you're only able to grow one or two plants. Statistically speaking, half the seeds you germinate will be males... a fluke could give you two males... You don't want to waste money now, but do you want to waste half a year if they turn out to be males? Get some feminized seeds and don't worry with listening to your witch doctor friend. :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, come here, forget talking to that friend about this...

Sex of a seed is predetermined by genetics. Period.

The night cycle on a plant is necessary and crucial to proper growth. Interrupting the night cycle of a plant in veg is more likely to stunt it than to cause it to grow bigger... Plants use their night cycle much like we do... Would you have a better day tomorrow if I flip the lights on at 3 am for a couple minutes? Yeah... and neither do your plants! lol

Watering isn't something we can tell you a specific amount for. For instance, I live in the desert southwest, and if I don't water every 36 hours, my plants start to wilt... Where I'm from in Florida, that would kill the plants... So, that's just something you'll have to play with.

Cutting any material from your plant hurts the plant. Leaves are what drives the engine of growth. All leaves... So, get rid of any leaf and you have a weaker plant, less capable of production and growth... and since NOTHING you can do will make a male a female, just take Professor Jones' advice and "Let it grow..."

And lastly, I wouldn't bother with the bagseed if you're only able to grow one or two plants. Statistically speaking, half the seeds you germinate will be males... a fluke could give you two males... You don't want to waste money now, but do you want to waste half a year if they turn out to be males? Get some feminized seeds and don't worry with listening to your witch doctor friend. :)
thanks for the tips parallax +rep^^ i am going to talk to a guy soon to see about getting a clone or two(not the same friend LOL) so ya... I will post pics and stuff when I get up and running... any other helpful info is appreciated^^


btw, just so you don't think your friend is a complete dumbass... he was possibly confused about hermaphrodites. You can cause a female plant to form male sex organs by stressing the plant. See, the plant thinks it's going to die under harsh environmental conditions. In a last ditch effort to continue the species, it forms male flowers and can impregnate itself or other female plants with pollen that is all composed of X/X chromosomes. This is how feminized seeds are created... there is no male to provide a Y chromosome, so the female does what she can to get the species into the next spring and hopefully fairer conditions... So, maybe your friend just got confused. But it's definitely females that can exhibit male characteristics, never males turning to females... as there's no biological point to that... a male plant can form buds, so it couldn't get the species to the next year.

They're magnificent plants, but they are just plants. :)


Active Member
you seriously don't need a carbon filter at your intake mang. its a waste. i'm sure you can make it lightproof without an extra carbon filter. as far as watering: i use 3gal bags with 75%organic soil/25% perlite. there is no set amount as to how much you need to water your plants. i have 26 strong plants that drink about a 1/3 to 1/2 gallon every watering about every 4-5 days. i water the medium evenly until i see runoff water coming out the bottom of the pot.
another thing: lift up your pots when they're dry and take a mental note of how much it weighs. then water your plants and give em a lift and take a mental note of how much they weigh after being fed. when your pots are light, feed the girls
i don't like to water minimal amounts every day, it keeps your medium too moist and is terrible for your roots. when the medium is allowed to dry your root system goes crazy looking for more water. more roots=more buds

i am def not an expert greenthumb, but feel free to check out my journal, i cover everything pretty thoroughly (i think lol)


Well-Known Member
btw, just so you don't think your friend is a complete dumbass... he was possibly confused about hermaphrodites. You can cause a female plant to form male sex organs by stressing the plant. See, the plant thinks it's going to die under harsh environmental conditions. In a last ditch effort to continue the species, it forms male flowers and can impregnate itself or other female plants with pollen that is all composed of X/X chromosomes. This is how feminized seeds are created... there is no male to provide a Y chromosome, so the female does what she can to get the species into the next spring and hopefully fairer conditions... So, maybe your friend just got confused. But it's definitely females that can exhibit male characteristics, never males turning to females... as there's no biological point to that... a male plant can form buds, so it couldn't get the species to the next year.

They're magnificent plants, but they are just plants. :)

lmao thanks, I was just not gonna say anything to him about being a douche lmao, but your probably right... so I guess another question... I know a female can hermie and pollinate herself.... the resulting seeds would be all female correct?? so is there a way to MAKE a plant hermie, for the purpose of gettinh feminized seeds... or does it just kinda happen?? not that i plan to attempt this, im just curious lol

you seriously don't need a carbon filter at your intake mang. its a waste. i'm sure you can make it lightproof without an extra carbon filter. as far as watering: i use 3gal bags with 75%organic soil/25% perlite. there is no set amount as to how much you need to water your plants. i have 26 strong plants that drink about a 1/3 to 1/2 gallon every watering about every 4-5 days. i water the medium evenly until i see runoff water coming out the bottom of the pot.
another thing: lift up your pots when they're dry and take a mental note of how much it weighs. then water your plants and give em a lift and take a mental note of how much they weigh after being fed. when your pots are light, feed the girls
i don't like to water minimal amounts every day, it keeps your medium too moist and is terrible for your roots. when the medium is allowed to dry your root system goes crazy looking for more water. more roots=more buds

i am def not an expert greenthumb, but feel free to check out my journal, i cover everything pretty thoroughly (i think lol)
im checking your journal... thanks for the tips +rep... i read somewhere that someones plants died cuz of too much perlite in the soil... I am using foxfarm ocean forest, so adding perlite so its 75% soil and 25% perlite isnt gonna cause problems, right??:leaf:


Ocean Forest doesn't need additives... Fox Farms' soils are expensive partly because they're pre-mixed and good to go... I'd just slap 'em in the ground!

As for causing hermies, I dunno... I definitely would like to know a foolproof method, as generating my own feminized seeds would be nice once in a while.

And yeah, I don't want to water every day, but when you water fully and 36 hours later your plants are drooping, you gotta do something... I'm almost constantly fighting against the normal 20% humidity here, so that's the culprit...


Well-Known Member
okay... so i dontt need perlite, and dont water every day... Ill just lift the pots like mentioned before and use that method... or if the look droopy... thanks for all the help guys... im glad to finally get some of these specifics outta the way haha :leaf: i guess ill also need a ph tester... what is the recomended ph for watering... if I remember from reading its around 6.5 to 6.8??? can someone confirm please:leaf:


Active Member
1. he says that anything over 16/8( ie. 17/7, 18/6, 19/5….) in vegg. has no benefit to the plant, or to yield
if I have the veg growing 24/7 i would be able to finish my grow cycle sooner than you with your 16 hour, because each day im giving my plants 8 more hours of light then you.

Rememeber folks were just trying to replicate nature but indoors, except since we're inteligent creatures we figured out how to maximize the indoor situation.


Well-Known Member
if I have the veg growing 24/7 i would be able to finish my grow cycle sooner than you with your 16 hour, because each day im giving my plants 8 more hours of light then you.

Rememeber folks were just trying to replicate nature but indoors, except since we're inteligent creatures we figured out how to maximize the indoor situation.
thanks for the help :leaf: i think im gonna go 18/6 just for energy cost reasons lol +rep

well I cant really think of anything else I had questions about... Ill be getting this going when I get my check december first... im sure then I will have more questions for sure LOL thanks to everyone who has helped, if I think of anything else I will for sure post it :leaf: bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
220 views and only 18 replies... come on people what do you think about my set up... will I do well?? what things should I consider changing?? :leaf: