MY SETUP SUCK!! Temp way too high


Well-Known Member
Lately, I cant seem to keep my temperature in my grow box down. Its Consistently around 92 or 93. I know my setup looks like shit and the two rubbermaids dont line up (cause the contraption inside i built), but i have dumped like $310 (suprised?) into this and i only have like $30 in my account left.

So what can we do to fix this temperature?

I have 6 CFLs.
42 watts - I have 1 6500K, and 1 2700K
23 watts - I have 4 6500K

So a good vacuum doesnt exist in my setup. But are my intake/exhaust atleast in a decent location? My intake is nestled up in the back, right next to the wall, and the exhaust is like 1/3 the size of the intake and is blowing out to the left side.

For the love of god, helpppp!!!!!


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Well-Known Member
You should have plenty of circulation. You might try throughing some ice cubes in the bottom and see if that cools it down. Make sure you give them extra water till you get the heat under control.


Well-Known Member
i have a 2 liter and two 16 oz frozen bottles sitting near where the intake is. the temperature outdoors is like 82 right now, and my thermometer just showed 95 in the box! ughh!

i dont wanna turn the AC on since it will cost me an additional $20, but i may have to if things get desperate.

i also just hooked up my giant fan (like 2'x2') near the exhaust. i figure why not since im the only one home and dont need to worry about being discreet yet.


Well-Known Member
do you think the thermometer is just in a bad spot, being near the light? do digital thermometers do an absolute temperature, or does it measure the temp including "wind chill." if thats the case, i think the absolute themperature might be 95, but with wind, it might be lower, like 90... does anyone know?

wheres a good spot to keep the thermometer?


Well-Known Member
ow about getting some of those electrical out of the room as best you can that does generate a lot of heat . and try keeping the home ac at it lowest for as log as possible or try running the lights at night when it is cooler until u can get an ac unit


Well-Known Member
i think i might just cave in and use my shitty ac. its an energy hog, but ive invested too much money to have a poor grow due to heat issues.

is it normal for CFLs to raise the temp by 10 degrees? i bought the lowest priced ones i could find, so i dunno if they are just inefficient...


Well-Known Member
Use the AC. The quality and the amount of weed with the AC on will be a lot better than if there is too much heat.

sorrowful hero

Active Member
did you ever think of removing that tissue box. After reading all the post on here i was starting to wonder. I just built a grow cabnet and it has 4 cfl's and a 4in fan running inside the box i meadsured the temp up towds the top of the box it measured around 90 to 93 So i put a computer fan in the back and now it reads like 88 to 89. is this because all the heat is rising and im getting a bad reading. where would i take the reading to see what the temp is? when i check the temp on the bottom it is like 80. should i check in the middle ? how do i know what the temp should be? any help?


Active Member
dang homie... how did you spend 310.... i would slap you if you were my friend... heres a tip.. buy the shit used.. i got a 600 watt hps system for like 90 bucks... and another thing is... how the fuck you call 2 rubbermaid things a grow box... what you gonna grow .. an 1/8.. i know you really wanna grow weed but wait til you at least can grow in a fuckin closet..


Well-Known Member
2 rubbermaids was like $26.
Lights total was like $75ish
Seeds were $60
nutes were $10
pots, and pvc to hold light ~$14
Fan $8
Soil, perlite, and sand $12
Electric power strip with $15
Small dehumidfier $15
Ph strips $7

total thats already $242, and im sure i forgot a bunch of other stuff. yeah, had i know this was going to happen, i probably wouldnt have taken the plunge... but ive already cut everything etc., so its all the way for me. i think once the AC kicks in, they should start growing nicely


Well-Known Member
dang homie... how did you spend 310.... i would slap you if you were my friend... heres a tip.. buy the shit used.. i got a 600 watt hps system for like 90 bucks... and another thing is... how the fuck you call 2 rubbermaid things a grow box... what you gonna grow .. an 1/8.. i know you really wanna grow weed but wait til you at least can grow in a fuckin closet..
hindsight is 20/20, and i dont think a 600 hps is too discrete and would only make my temperature problem worse. i appreciate the help though.


Well-Known Member
ok on the real what nutes will you use for 10 bucks. i mean one of my small i quart dont cost 10 and man ...... dust tape will collapse eventually under the heat ... next what co2 is getting to it ver little exchange. wut i sugest is swith to a DWC Hydro grow and get a tent or make one out of a cople tarps you can get for mad cheap... dude check out some box over the net u find somethin u can uild better
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Well-Known Member
dang homie... how did you spend 310.... i would slap you if you were my friend... heres a tip.. buy the shit used.. i got a 600 watt hps system for like 90 bucks... and another thing is... how the fuck you call 2 rubbermaid things a grow box... what you gonna grow .. an 1/8.. i know you really wanna grow weed but wait til you at least can grow in a fuckin closet..
dont be hatin on the tub grows homie

look at my shit im bout to yield a 1/4 pound off of 2 2 foot plants from 33 gallon tubs, not that bad, its just his setup IS MADDDD CROWDED with unnecessary shit like those poles for support and shit and all this other ass check my grows



Well-Known Member
yeah the poles were just so i can hang my power strip and also to adjust the height. i didnt want to attach it to the top rubbermaid, since i wanted to be able to take the top on and off


Well-Known Member
Lately, I cant seem to keep my temperature in my grow box down. Its Consistently around 92 or 93. I know my setup looks like shit and the two rubbermaids dont line up (cause the contraption inside i built), but i have dumped like $310 (suprised?) into this and i only have like $30 in my account left.

So what can we do to fix this temperature?

I have 6 CFLs.
42 watts - I have 1 6500K, and 1 2700K
23 watts - I have 4 6500K

So a good vacuum doesnt exist in my setup. But are my intake/exhaust atleast in a decent location? My intake is nestled up in the back, right next to the wall, and the exhaust is like 1/3 the size of the intake and is blowing out to the left side.

For the love of god, helpppp!!!!!
Wow, for $310 you could have had a nice 400watt HPS setup with a good fan and everything.
You want your intake at the bottom of the cab, not the top. You want your exhaust bigger than your intake so to speak. You want you exhaust fan to be larger than you intake fan. If you are using both an intake and exhaust fan, use both for exhaust and just use passive intakes. This should help with heat issues.
Go on ebay and get a couple of 130cfm computer fans, they are like $7 each. Hook these up to a 12v adapter, like $10 at wal mart, and use both of these for exhuast. Then just have the passive intakes and use your desk fan for circulation.


Well-Known Member
Wow, for $310 you could have had a nice 400watt HPS setup with a good fan and everything.
You want your intake at the bottom of the cab, not the top. You want your exhaust bigger than your intake so to speak. You want you exhaust fan to be larger than you intake fan. If you are using both an intake and exhaust fan, use both for exhaust and just use passive intakes. This should help with heat issues.
Go on ebay and get a couple of 130cfm computer fans, they are like $7 each. Hook these up to a 12v adapter, like $10 at wal mart, and use both of these for exhuast. Then just have the passive intakes and use your desk fan for circulation.
yeah i really dont know how i spent that much. some of it was me just writing every little expense i bought, like zip ties etc.

i put on the AC and my room is sitting at about 78 degrees and my box is about 88, which is about a 7 degree improvement.


Well-Known Member
I'm telling you, change your intake from the top to the bottom, and use both fans for exhaust,. Make some passive intakes and your temps should go down even more.


Well-Known Member
ill give that a try. the only thing i am worried about is not having wind hitting the plants to strengthen the stems.

and what do you mean by passive intakes? like basically a spot where wind can just travel through? like a hole?


Well-Known Member
Yeah passive intakes are just holes. If you are flowering and need it light tight, you can just hot glue 2 90degree pvc elbows together and paint the inside of them black. If your temps are too high, the wind blowing on them insnt going to do mcuh. Plants pretty much stop growing above 90degrees. 88degrees is too hot for flower and will result in whispy buds. Maybe go buy a cheap fan at walmart for like $5 to use as a circulation fan and use the others for exhaust.