my second grow


Active Member
hey last time i tried to grow it was during winter and it was jsut for fun
just to get ready for summer

i started germinating some more seeds at the end of august
n then a few more the end of september

here are the pics

as u can see one looks like its gettin some bug on it and ones huge.. (the one not in the pot)

the rest look pretty sexy

except one looks sick?
all the leaves look kind of crincled sort of fake looking?
weird colourd too
its been like this since it got its first leaves

i didnt want to kill it cos i thought it might come good

any suggestions?

hope u like my girls


Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
with your one ill plant. When it was in it's first stages of growth did you notice if the leaves turned hard to the right? Might have looked a bit brittle around the veins, and color a bit off? If that is the case I'd say you over fertilized your baby.
It's also hard to tell the problem with just the one pic. I see what appears to be leafhooper, marks too?   Your problem could iron deficiency, or sulpher deficiency, or Potassium related. It's truly hard to tell with just one pic.

You might wanna leach the soil of that one plant that's sick too.