My Salvia Expirience


Well-Known Member
hmmm wow thats pretty intense lol. for my first time i smoked 60x and i just laughed hysterically for like 10 mins. but i was also drunk as fuck haaaha


Active Member
something about this seems wrong

i dont think you can conclusively say that... just because the government hasnt made it illegal yet doesnt mean it is less harmful than marij... and I dont think they will make it illegal because the majority of people who i know (and myself) who have done it were displeased and never did it again.

Also from research that i have conducted,, there is no real research or studies done on the harmful long-term effects of smoking salvia

and just because the government says weed is illegal and salvia isnt doesnt mean anything... do you trust and agree with every decision your government makes?

couldnt of said it better myself :blsmoke: ps. aspartame and flouride's legal!!!! An They'er neuro toxins..

i luv ladies

Active Member
I was going to try it but my roomate stopped me.. i guess he fucken hurt himself pretty bad, by falling down, but he got all violent to other ppl then himself.. said he didnt remember shit.. his friend told him..
He took a bong rip with a lot on top.. sounds like too much is no good