My president is black!

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Well-Known Member
Meh, I guess it's just one of those things that needs to inevitably happen. One day it'll be a woman in office, and so on...
This will be the last US president. Obama will be able to fuck things up so bad no one will be able to fix it. better bone up on your rag head lingo that will be next


Well-Known Member
is it possible to make this any worse ?????
Seriously ???? Bush Failed i wonder what obama will leave behind


Well-Known Member
The man is only half black and raised by white people, so I really don't understand the obsession with his "blackness". That aside, being a RP fan I just hope he doesn't continue to erode our constitutional rights like previous administrations. Hopefully Change will be a good thing.


Well-Known Member
ignorance is one of my better qualities. Just wait and see how the rest of the world (anti-American) does with a president with no military experience, very little political experience, and as far as I can see no real job experience of any kind. not to mention the type of people that financed his education.
And I will take back the raghead comment it is bad of me to lump the whole middle east into one slur. give me a few minites and I will come up with at least three. j/k


Well-Known Member
lol why dont you watch the whole video, NOOB

YouTube - Re:Obama Gaffe: "My Muslim Faith" THE TRUTH
i watched both videos and many people, not just myself, interpreted this as obama having at least some ties to the muslim faith.
not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just indicative that he's been lying.
funny that you only comment on the video, not on how he went to a church with a racist pastor.

and i'm not really a 'NOOB'. i joined almost an entire year earlier than you.
i'm not a post whore and i don't make 13.74 posts a day.


New Member
that bush should have to be out of the house by now already. should be like survivor and snuff his torch and boot him out before he pulls some more stupid shit


Well-Known Member
Obama's entire speech didn't once contain the word 'terror' or 'terrorists.'

Did anyone else watch him? Like HO-LY FUCK, who wrote your speech? His vocal presentation was so fucking good I almost crapped my pants. I haven't seen anyone give a speech this good since Hitler.


Well-Known Member
I am so very proud of my country. We have risen up and elected a mixed race man with a muslin name to be our president because his ideas were superior. His race was not a factor for millions. America can once again be looked at as a shining beacon of all the ideals and hopes we hold dear. Yes we can.


Well-Known Member
I am so very proud of my country. WE have risen up and elected a mixed race man with a muslin name to lbe our president because his ideas were superior. America can once again be looked at as a shining becan of all the ideals and hopes we hold dear. Yes we can.
though we're still not a shining beacon of spelling.

don't even trip. as soon as my homie finishes his econ I'll be so stoned I won't be able to spell my name.
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