my plants to big =|

the don

Active Member
its about 90 days old, its in a little greenhouse kinda set-up and its nearly 6 feet tall, its about an inch from the roof and im scared its going to start burning, what the hell do i do cus its still vegging and it could grow to nearly 3 metres so i dont wanna lose it


New Member
its about 90 days old, its in a little greenhouse kinda set-up and its nearly 6 feet tall, its about an inch from the roof and im scared its going to start burning, what the hell do i do cus its still vegging and it could grow to nearly 3 metres so i dont wanna lose it
Start Tieing branches down or top it if you havent and if u arent in flowering...take clones..

the don

Active Member
might sound a bit nooby but ive never tried cloning it aye, what do you mean by tying branches down but? would that stop it growing?


New Member
might sound a bit nooby but ive never tried cloning it aye, what do you mean by tying branches down but? would that stop it growing?
nope..jus tye a piece of string to node on whatever branch and tye the other end to sumthin to pull the branch down..dont pull it too hard or it will snap...

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hi DON..

1. what kind of light are you using?
2. what is your medium?

You may not like the sound of this BUT i bet it is your best bet..

You will not have enough light to FLOWER that monster....
You should clone the shit outtat that plant.. BASICALLY, CUT it in half and make about 50-100 clones. I am assuming that this plant is a healthy 6 feet..
Then let it veg for 5 more days and flower..

Why are you vegging so long?


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Somebody o here can help you with cloning. or do a search.. cloning is very very easy with the proper tools... very easy!!



New Member
if u dont want to buy nothin to clone
jus cut a branch coming off the main stem..cut the little leaves at the bottom of the cutting..if their are any in the way atleast..
get a cup that is dark and no light can shine threw and fill it up with water and put the cuttin in the cup for a few weeks to grow roots..sit it on a window sill or takes a while but is alot easier then buyin cloning gel and then gettin a humidifier and everything.make sure no light is shinin directly on the cuttin ..:blsmoke:

the don

Active Member
well i topped it 2 days ago seems to be goin alright now, i changed the photoperiod nearly 2 weeks ago now so im expecting it to show sex very soon


Well-Known Member
wow....90 days vege....and 2 m flowers. thats a tough one. with typical 2-3X gain in height into flowering? I am with will one ever effectively light such a monster (indoors)? I think the idea of cloning would be the thing to do.....but as this person only has one plant (assumption?) 50-100 clones might not be practical. but cloning certainly seems to make the most sense.

Good job on making a 2m plant.....and good luck with your road forward.....I'll be watching.


New Member
its crazy that you let it get that big in the first place considering you have limited space!when you change to 12/12 obviously it'll grow even more!if you aint got a bigger space to grow it then you guna havta tie it down or chop it up which you probably dont wana do!

the don

Active Member
its kind of an outside greenhouse i rely 50% on natural sunlight, i only run the lights for about 6-7 hours a day, as the pigs are always sendin choppers round my way. ive been doin this for a couple of years now and 80-90 days seems to be around the time they start showing, mind you there big girls once i harvest, but ive never had one shoot up this tall before


Well-Known Member
hey don....ya like yur girls work.....just got some challenges now for sure....


New Member
i really hope you solve the problem and grow that monster into a beast that produces some big fat top notch bud for ya!id love to see a pic of it!anyway good luck.

the don

Active Member
haha im not a big fan of posting pics of my babies, but before i harvest ill be sure too post some, cheers for the help everyone


Active Member
Do you know the sex?.... If u dont know the sex wouldn't it be
pointless to take clones and it turn out to be male? Wouldn't the clones be males too?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Do you know the sex?.... If u dont know the sex wouldn't it be
pointless to take clones and it turn out to be male? Wouldn't the clones be males too?
HI :)

take clones now.. mark which plant the clones came from.. i prefer using tooth picks and masking tape.. with a marker... or several different colored markers..

then, when a plant turns male,you can throw away the corresponding clones..

or you can just wait until the plant shows sex and then clone.. but flipping back from veg to flower and then to veg again is not time efficient..


the don

Active Member
nah dont know the sex yet, im expecting them to show any day now, which is why i havnt cloned and ive never been a fan of sexing, the only time i tried i fucked it up