My plants stopped sprouting

Hey guys. When it comes to building a box I have no issue getting everything right by researching but it's all the "figure it out yourself" "listen to the plant" stuff I have some serious issues with. I suck at growing plants, always have, but I want to get better.

I have two feminized AK47s that just sprouted. They were eager to sprout, I saw a little green stem in about a week and now they've completely stopped. No growth in the past couple days. Right now I have them outside and I'm letting them use outdoor light because the weather is perfect right now and I have a few small mods to make to my box before I bring them in.

I water them every morning when I wake up, and when I get home (about 6 to 9 hours later) I water them again. I don't know how much to use. They're in little pots right now, maybe a pint in size, and I give them maybe an ounce of water every time I water them with a little spray bottle. One got its stem snapped because I was being stupid and I've taped it up for support, so I can understand why she's slow, but the other one stopped too so I don't get it.

I'm using Happy Frog soil from Fox Farms, and I have additional nutes at 5-5-5 to add when necessary (I also have no clue when I'll know it's time to add nutes).



Well-Known Member
They look like they are drowning..... poor little things. Maybe cut back on the watering and just let them do what they do.

OG Gardenz

Active Member
Only water when the soil has dried out... take it easy your loving them to death!

you obviously started from seed so they will need to grow for a while before they need nutrients, say 2 weeks or more..


Well-Known Member
Holy cow man!! That poor little plant!! Let the "soil" dry before you water and only water with no more than 500ml for now. Don't know what you're using for a medium but you are going to have a hell of a time in a month or so when your PH and ppm are out to lunch. Either way just let here dry out a bit before feeding. As to answer your main question about the lack of growth it's because all the growing going on right now is on the roots under the soil. You won't see growth or very slow growth during this period. 5-8 days. Seriously bro, go read some books then when you finish go read about ten more. Pick up some beginner botany books they'll help you out tons.
I didn't water it today and the plants turned brown and started to shrivel up. I'm growing in Fox Farms Happy Frog soil, I calibrated my PH meter and it's 7.8. Now I'm getting worried they're close to death.
Holy cow man!! That poor little plant!! Let the "soil" dry before you water and only water with no more than 500ml for now. Don't know what you're using for a medium but you are going to have a hell of a time in a month or so when your PH and ppm are out to lunch. Either way just let here dry out a bit before feeding. As to answer your main question about the lack of growth it's because all the growing going on right now is on the roots under the soil. You won't see growth or very slow growth during this period. 5-8 days. Seriously bro, go read some books then when you finish go read about ten more. Pick up some beginner botany books they'll help you out tons.
I think I'll do that, I'm gonna need some serious help building this skill.


Well-Known Member
You're not too far in that restarting would be a big deal except that you lose two seeds. If you can afford the loss I would just restart. Do some research, get the right growing medium and only water as needed. Don't feed nutrients until they are a couple nodes in. Get a soilless medium like Pro Mix BX or Pro Mix HP. HP is probably better for you since you like to water a lot lol it has a higher porosity. Either way IMO, I'd restart.
I guess I can start over. I don't have any more seeds but I can order more... I'll do some research on soilless mixes. I was under the impression soilless mixes are really easy to mess up, and I already mess up with soil, which was supposed to be pretty difficult to mess up.


Well-Known Member
It's always sad when thing go awry like that. I agree with the watering advice of others. Also, I use FFHFrog and it may be too "hot," meaning it may have too many nutes for your seedlings. For seedlings I use a seed starting mix like FF Light Warrior OR Cut the Frog with 1/2 coco coir.

Good Luck!



Active Member
keep soil top wet add perlite to your soil to air it. Also plants like this don't like a lot of water wait until soils dry after you water first week there isn't much of a root.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. When it comes to building a box I have no issue getting everything right by researching but it's all the "figure it out yourself" "listen to the plant" stuff I have some serious issues with. I suck at growing plants, always have, but I want to get better.

I have two feminized AK47s that just sprouted. They were eager to sprout, I saw a little green stem in about a week and now they've completely stopped. No growth in the past couple days. Right now I have them outside and I'm letting them use outdoor light because the weather is perfect right now and I have a few small mods to make to my box before I bring them in.

I water them every morning when I wake up, and when I get home (about 6 to 9 hours later) I water them again. I don't know how much to use. They're in little pots right now, maybe a pint in size, and I give them maybe an ounce of water every time I water them with a little spray bottle. One got its stem snapped because I was being stupid and I've taped it up for support, so I can understand why she's slow, but the other one stopped too so I don't get it.

I'm using Happy Frog soil from Fox Farms, and I have additional nutes at 5-5-5 to add when necessary (I also have no clue when I'll know it's time to add nutes).
just cause u have pots full of soil under lights means it aint hydro still is in a way but deep down we all no it isent try to water once a week or switch em over to coco or a system