My plants stopped growing bigger just getting bushy help


Active Member
how would 8 t-8 4 foot fluoros help? looking at like 60 bucks and could get them going would it be worth it or not? thanks for any help
Better for begging than flowering, but will work. I did a grow with 6 of them, even flowered under them and pulled 2z of one plant. Mind you I grow the plant 3x3 feet wide, topped and lst'ed to get 18 colas, and had to harvest early with about 3 weeks or more left. In the right growers hands, you can us a candle to grow. Follow the same rules with floro tubes as cfl's, daylight for veg, warm (kitchen and bath style) for flower. No need to go balls to the wall if it's just smoke for personal use.


i have a question should i replant them if i see roots coming out of the drainage holes in the bottom of the pots like should i be worried about them getting like root locked? or would they be okay?


i listened got some new light see how it goes from here. posting an update with my new light setup let me know what you think IMAG0156.jpgIMAG0157.jpg


hey everyone i am just uploading some new pics they have been a little up and down. replanted them into bigger pots so the kinda got shocked when i did that. i added some fluoroscents and have 3 more babies started. let me know what you think of my plants now and any suggestions or pointers let me know. i havent put them into flower yet and from the soil the big one has gotten to over 12 inches tall now but the smallest one is just about 7 inches tall



New Member
These are looking good other than the minor nutrient burn on ur bottom leaves, what strain are you growing cause bushy is the best check out my grows in my signature


its just bag seed i got it some pot i bought off a guy and thought why not try and grow um lol if i can do this then i am willing to buy a strain and go from there lol this is a my first time growing any sorta plant lol. the nute burn was i am using just miracle grow and tried to double it up to fast so i am in a water only phase and on top of that they are in new soil so next time i water i will add nutes again its been like a week since i gave them any nuts and a week since i put them in the new pots with all new soil so i didnt want the burn to get worse i hurt the roots in the transplant so i was more worried about that then the nute burn lol but they are showing signs of new growth again so i assume that means the root damage is repaired enough


New Member
MG sucks it does the job but doesn't give the essential nutrients marijuana needs and you will have a very little buffer when it comes to nutrient burn. try fox farm soil and nutrients cheep and very easy.


well here is an update i have made some clones waiting for them to root just took them 2 days ago and replanted my new seedlings and everything else is recovered pretty much and getting bigger here are some pic
