My plants seem like they are dying... Why????


Hi everyone,

I am a first time grower and I am really struggling at the moment. I posted a thread yesterday ( and had some responses that were helpful but they seem even worse today and I am so worried that they are going to die and I will have to start all over again.

They are really light green in colour and seem to be drooping and dying. I followed the advice given and flushed them with vitalink nutes.
How high should the light be from the plants at this stage? I am using a hps250 w bulb

weed 2 002.jpgweed 2 003.jpgweed 2 004.jpgI was told yesterday that I needed to feed them as I am using canna coco professional. I have posted some pictures so that you can see what I am talking about.

Please please help


Well-Known Member
canna coco but no canna nutes?

they neeeeeeeed fooooooooooood and less water, they are drowing and starving at the same time


Mr ganja

The lady at the hydro shop said to use vitalink so Im guessing this is bad advice?
Also how do I correct the feeding with less water? Im sorry to sound so dumb it's just its my first time growing.

Thank you for your quick response


Well-Known Member
250 mh? 4- 13 inches from tops as a guide. (assuming heat isn't a factor) I wouldn't put it at 4inches right now they are stressed enough.


Well-Known Member
As for the coco, I haven't done it, thus I have nothing to offer, that's why I posted the link for you. Hopefully someone can help you out :)don't stress, don't panic, don't make drastic decisions lol they wont right themselves in 5min.


OK thank you mr ganja I appreciate your help and I am sorry for sounding dumb lol its just it's my first time and want to help them recover asap.

Would biobiz all mix be a better option next time? I certainly wont be using canna again


Well-Known Member
yeah that's soil. Again, we don't get it (that brand) here and I make my own soil mix. And I am not mr ganja lol im just a newb


Well-Known Member
i grow in canna coco but i also use canna nutrients. i'm sure vitalink is of similar quality but i don't know about dosage levels with that stuff.

basically you need to mix it at half of the strength it says on the bottle, once your plant gets past a certain size you can start upping the dosage.

coco contains no fertiliser, you need to feed them once they get 2-3 sets of leaves.

you need to give it less volume when watering, make sure the water has nutrients mixed in with it and don't drown the plant, a small plant in a pot that size should only be getting 100-200ml maximum, every 2 days maximum.

at this stage the bulbs distance is not so important, i would rather keep it too far away than too close, a plant that small needs very little light to grow properly.

don't be bashing on nutrient companies because you can't follow the simple instructions they put on the bottle for you.


And learn who to listen to and who not to listen to.

Ok thanks for the advice guys you have helped me out a lot. They do seem to be getting worse than better and maybe that is because I flushed them with nutes as someone said it would be a good idea.

Any idea how long they will take to start getting better??


OK thank you mr ganja I appreciate your help and I am sorry for sounding dumb lol its just it's my first time and want to help them recover asap.

Would biobiz all mix be a better option next time? I certainly wont be using canna again
lol u gettin the wrong aspect of the plants you cant think ohh the coco aint got no nutes ill use a heavy duty soil packed with nutes it just wont work for 1 i use biobizz light mix and (follow the feed chart "cant go wrong") if you use biobizz allmix for seedlings you will get nute burn what you need is find the coco feed chart and use

best advice ur gonna get keep is simple.... start slow learn from the plants dont allways listen to what people tell you everyone is diffrent find something you like

and good luck :)


Well-Known Member
I use canna. Nothing wrong with it. You need to feed half strength or even quarter when you do feed. Every newb makes mistakes. You shouldn't keep messing with your plants though or they won't recover well.


Well-Known Member
I suggest you quickly get in the habit of adjusting your PH as well, read up on it, get your equipment, and be quick about it.
Most tap water comes out way high for coco, as it should be hydro PH, NOT soil PH.