My plants are drooping, im using a bad light, help!

Ok my 1 week old seedling has now fallen over. Im using one of those crap 60w plant lights from rona. My hps/mh lights are being shipped to be from the US, they will be here in about a week, how can i save my plant till I get my new lights??
This is my first time growing... I know the light was a bad move, shes staked right now, with a fan lightly blowling on her... and ive moved the light as close as I dare to... (just moved the light closer today) HELP!

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
How old is the seedling? How long has it been out of the humidity dome? I had a problem when I first started my grow cus I put a seedling too close to the light to soon. You may want to go and get some Daylight CFL's to grow under till your big bulbs get there.


Well-Known Member
put it outside till your hps arrives... best thing to do.
it wont have a chance with that incandescent.......
Ok, Ive moved her to a window facing the sun... shes only 1 week old, (week and a half if you want to count the soak/papertowel stages)... Should I leave the window open? I was reading some articles and there seem to some ppl believe that a breeze helps strengthen the stem, but ive read some that strongly disagree with this. I think it makes sense to do it as thats the way nature does it, but from your experiance whats best?

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
If it is already sagging then you don't want breeze on it! maybe put a straw or somthing on it and put in in the sunlight if you want to. You may want to support it untill it can recover from this stress. If I were you I would order some seeds from Nervana cus they will get there in about a week so that will give you some time to set up your lights while your seeds germinate!