My plant is drooping! please help!


Well-Known Member
Everyone has there own method to their madness. So props if you get huge donkey cock cones with mg ! I'll stick to my soil, the ladies love it.


Active Member
Thanks for the feedback guys. This is my first grow, just trying to get some experience behind the belt so I'm not going to be to disapointed if these die although I would love my first grow to work out. Not to mention I don't have half the things i need in order to keep a legit eye on. So yes I'm just hoping and preying at this point.

My leaves are starting to get alittle yellow, does this mean I over watered it and now it getting to much food? Should I run abunch of water through it to clean it up a bit or should I just still leave it alone?
I will have pics up in a little bit


Well-Known Member
looks like a shes low on nitrogen, if ur strapped for cash "urine" yes pee is a great source of nitrogen, if u use urine mix- 1 part urine to 10 parts water, nd ur plant may be a tad overwatered... looks droopy,