my plant are infested with whiteflies......fuck!


Well-Known Member
Welll.... its sad to hear.....but i learned alot this past week......
just when you think your in the clear.... your plants are wiked awesome in their last 2 weeks before harvest...... and then all the sudden.... you by mistake over feed her.....Yeah its a rookie mistake..... and the biggest plants leaves turn all brown and look like shit color..... atleast the other plant is still so fucking gourgeous.... but fuck!..... theres a whole mess of tiny flies could i not notice only took a couple days of neglect.....or lost of interest for them.....

So do you think theyll make least one..... i got fox farm bugspray..... and ill post pics....before and after...first 4pics are old ....last 4new... what can i do???? is is too late????

