my plans for stealth grow

Well to start off i have not started to build my grow box, and this will be my first grow.:leaf:
I have been researching how to grow cannabis for some time now. Also I have been trying to think of the best way to hide this grow. I am living in a relitives home at the moment and dont want to let the find it ( becuase that will be bad:sad:). So I looked online, youtube, google,, forms (this one has been the bigest help), and on all of them there are grow boxs and layouts. So affter looking around for some time I thought to my self mabie i should build or buy a pc grow case, but, the only problem is about going down the pc grow case road is that i dont have a desktop computer, its spendy buying them and also building ( im on a real tight budget ). so then i looked at grow boxes, but, alot of those are stashed away in a corner or closet. I have a realy frikin small room, so it will be hard to go down that road. So i was about to wave the white flag and surender trying to grow, but, me being a stoner, I smoked a joint and started to think, some what:o. I looked around my room and remembered that i was not using the bottom two drawers of my dresser. So about 3-4 hours latter i went and started to measure my dresser, so to my suprise it came to be a little bigger than the pc grow cases ( realy its like putting two of them side by side), the area is 18.5"h X 23.5"w X 14"d. I still need to start working on it, but, i know about what im going to do with it.
:leaf:First i am going to strip out the bottom two drawers to make a empty area that i will use for the grow area.
:leaf:Second I will seel up the bottom and top, i will use basic plywood for this step.
:leaf:Third I will put 3-4 fans on the back for intake and exuast.
:leaf:Forth I am going to make the area light proof, and smell proof, to do this i found out that there is a carbon fiber filter that works good to do the job of desenting, i will put some of this on the exuast fans, for the intake I am going to build somthing to prevent light from passing.
:leaf:Fifth step is going to be setting up the lights, I am going to use cfl ( still researching on what watts i need for this space), I am not sure how I will set up the lights at the moment.
:leaf:Sixth step I need to wire the fans and lights so I can bring power to them. but I am going to put a little extra in it, I want to install some dim switches for the fans so I will be able to controle the grow box more ( I will need to end up getting a ac to dc converter )
:leaf:Seventh step is to make the inside as reflective as posible, not sure what to use, mylre, tin foil, car window reflectors
:leaf:Eighth step is to set up the door and lock for the box. I want it to look like I did nothing to it, so i am going to use the front of the drawers on a peice of plywood that i paint black ( my dresser is black) then install hindges on it so the door will swing up. Not sure how to lock it though.
:leaf:finaly plug in and grow:weed:

thats my plan, I love comments and ideas so fire away...:spew:but not like that


Active Member
Sounds like you've been reading, and understand the basic set up of a growspace. I hope the application of all of that goes smoothly for you and I hope to see pics of the project soon.

Does this belong in news though?
Sounds like you've been reading, and understand the basic set up of a growspace. I hope the application of all of that goes smoothly for you and I hope to see pics of the project soon.

Does this belong in news though?

yup i have been reading up and ill post some pics when i start it... i was a little high when i posted:eyesmoke:


Active Member
Use an array of several 30-42W CFLs (go by actual watts, pay no attention to 13W CFL=120W, that bulb is 13W, as bright as a 120W incandescent which are the least efficient bulbs for growing). Find some warmer bulbs for flower and some cooler ones for vegging and cloning. Use a bathroom vanity or individual sockets you can get at the hardware store. Wire them in parallel or none of your lights will be getting the full wattage. For the inside, definitely use mylar if you can get it, if not use flat white paint or an emergency blanket ($1-2). Tin foil and car reflectors are a bad idea. You probably won't need a fan to bring in air, a passive intake hole or several will be sufficient. Just make sure the area of the inside of your intake hole is twice the area of the inside of your exhaust hole.

What strain do you plan on growing? This is important as you have such a low height. I would go with a lowryder autoflowering strain unless you have experience training plants. This guy shows us what's possible in a small space. This guy was pulling like an ounce each time off that little plant.
Use an array of several 30-42W CFLs (go by actual watts, pay no attention to 13W CFL=120W, that bulb is 13W, as bright as a 120W incandescent which are the least efficient bulbs for growing). Find some warmer bulbs for flower and some cooler ones for vegging and cloning. Use a bathroom vanity or individual sockets you can get at the hardware store. Wire them in parallel or none of your lights will be getting the full wattage. For the inside, definitely use mylar if you can get it, if not use flat white paint or an emergency blanket ($1-2). Tin foil and car reflectors are a bad idea. You probably won't need a fan to bring in air, a passive intake hole or several will be sufficient. Just make sure the area of the inside of your intake hole is twice the area of the inside of your exhaust hole.

What strain do you plan on growing? This is important as you have such a low height. I would go with a lowryder autoflowering strain unless you have experience training plants. This guy shows us what's possible in a small space. This guy was pulling like an ounce each time off that little plant.
thanks for the info it was quit helpful and i was going to grow a dwarf autoflowering strain. how good is the high from the lowryder #2 strain? or what is a other good dwarf autoflowering breed, i wass looking at other auto breeds and cant make up my mind:eyesmoke:


Active Member
thanks for the info it was quit helpful and i was going to grow a dwarf autoflowering strain. how good is the high from the lowryder #2 strain? or what is a other good dwarf autoflowering breed, i wass looking at other auto breeds and cant make up my mind:eyesmoke:
The smoke can be great if done right, I haven't grown it myself yet but I'm planning on getting some of those diesel ryder seeds sometime soon. I think any of the Joint Doctor's auto strains and most of MDanzig's are a safe bet, as JD created the original LR and LR#2 and he has sanctioned MDanzig's crosses. A few other companies have auto seeds now too but I'm not sure how long they've had auto breeding programs or if the strains are homozygous for the auto-flowering trait as well as bred and stabilized for potency and flavor. They might just be f1s which will mean none of them display autoflowering traits (I believe the gene is recessive so it's not apparent in the f1 phenos). Also, JD and MD are using autoflowering breeding stock crossed with traditional strains. Be wary of crosses with a parent that is pure ruderalis. Such a cross would likely be years away from being stable or useful for indoor growing.
The smoke can be great if done right, I haven't grown it myself yet but I'm planning on getting some of those diesel ryder seeds sometime soon. I think any of the Joint Doctor's auto strains and most of MDanzig's are a safe bet, as JD created the original LR and LR#2 and he has sanctioned MDanzig's crosses. A few other companies have auto seeds now too but I'm not sure how long they've had auto breeding programs or if the strains are homozygous for the auto-flowering trait as well as bred and stabilized for potency and flavor. They might just be f1s which will mean none of them display autoflowering traits (I believe the gene is recessive so it's not apparent in the f1 phenos). Also, JD and MD are using autoflowering breeding stock crossed with traditional strains. Be wary of crosses with a parent that is pure ruderalis. Such a cross would likely be years away from being stable or useful for indoor growing.
so if i was to get some joint doc. seeds could i breed a male and a female to get more of those type seeds?:?:


Active Member
so if i was to get some joint doc. seeds could i breed a male and a female to get more of those type seeds?:?:
Definitely, as long as the female and male are both autoflowering, the progeny will be. If you were going to outcross to a different strain, make sure that is also auto (Diesel Ryder x Lowryder #2, for instance). If you wanted to cross the Lowryder to a non-auto plant, it would take a couple of generations to stabilize the traits you want (autoflowering, taste/potency). Just remember that autoflowering is a recessive trait and remember your Punnett Squares from school and you should have no problem.

In fact, with auto's I think making seeds with at least one of your females is the way to go. Autoflowering strains cannot be kept in a veg state and maintained as mothers because they develop too quickly and can't be prevented from flowering through light schedule. Making your own seeds will allow you to have a perpetual setup without having to buy expensive seeds every time you grow.
Definitely, as long as the female and male are both autoflowering, the progeny will be. If you were going to outcross to a different strain, make sure that is also auto (Diesel Ryder x Lowryder #2, for instance). If you wanted to cross the Lowryder to a non-auto plant, it would take a couple of generations to stabilize the traits you want (autoflowering, taste/potency). Just remember that autoflowering is a recessive trait and remember your Punnett Squares from school and you should have no problem.

In fact, with auto's I think making seeds with at least one of your females is the way to go. Autoflowering strains cannot be kept in a veg state and maintained as mothers because they develop too quickly and can't be prevented from flowering through light schedule. Making your own seeds will allow you to have a perpetual setup without having to buy expensive seeds every time you grow.
thx man, i have read up a bit on the breeding and such but i only understood like 90% of what i was reading. i under stand the breeding of two diffrent strains more than just geting the seeds from the same type of strain. btw have you growen diesel rider before? cuz i have been reading up on it and it is said that it has a strong smell when flowering. if so what is the smell potency on a scale of 1-10. i am living with ppl i dont want smelling what im growing. (even though i would love waking up in the morning to smell a dank bud growing)


Active Member
thx man, i have read up a bit on the breeding and such but i only understood like 90% of what i was reading. i under stand the breeding of two diffrent strains more than just geting the seeds from the same type of strain. btw have you growen diesel rider before? cuz i have been reading up on it and it is said that it has a strong smell when flowering. if so what is the smell potency on a scale of 1-10. i am living with ppl i dont want smelling what im growing. (even though i would love waking up in the morning to smell a dank bud growing)
If you want seeds from the same strain, just collect some pollen and use a paintbrush to spread it on the female branch you'd like to pollinate. Depending on how stable the strain is and/or how similar the phenotypes you used were, the progeny should be very similar to the parent line. When crossing two strains or hybridizing them, the F1 generation will have "hybrid vigor" which usually expresses itself in quick growth rates, resistance to mold/bugs/drought, etc. As the hybrid is inbred (F1xF1) or backcrossed (F1 x P1) it will tend to lose this hybrid vigor, although the breeding usually results in stabilizing traits like potency yield and appearance (if that's what you're selecting for).

A friend grew the DR but I was away during the short grow and didn't smell the live plants. I have grown the NYCD that was used for the male, and it was stanky during growth, even during veg to some degree. Same friend had Lowryder 1 a while back and I recall that being stinky too. So my feeling is that the progeny will be very stinky while growing (I can attest to how stinky it is when dried and properly cured).

You will want to create some sort of DIY Carbon scrubber for your ducting. As far as I know, they can be installed so that the fan is pulling air through or so that the fan is pushing air through. It will affect the CFM air exchange different amounts depending on your design and the placement in your venting. The easiest way to figure that out is to put a trash bag on the end of your exhaust, calculate the volume of the bag and see how long it takes to fill with air. I think you want all your air exchanged at least 3 times a minute. Lucas also claimed that wattage/4 was a proven equation for figuring out required CFMs.

Here's a few designs for carbon scrubbers
thx man helped quite alot i just got done making my first gheto grow box, just to practice growing. but i will look how to make a carbon scrubber