My Pirex. No My Pipe!


Well-Known Member
Ok I love pirex pipes and bongs. I have several glass pipes and had several glass bongs I gave to family. Now thats classy. LoL. The way you can mold pirex to virtually any form is awesome. Here is my hangup. I have had this old metal pipe for close to 7 years now. I had to repair it twice. All my glass sits unused unless I have company. I really dont like people hitting my metal pipe but I love to use it by myself. I can not bring myself to throw old piper away. Yeah I call it piper. Am I wrong. Is it wrong to be attached to a little metal pipe? :leaf:


Well-Known Member
NOPE!!! I was attached to this Heavy Glass bong I had! I would load a bowl for me in it and load a bowl for everyone else in a regular pipe! would pass out sitting up with my mouth on the bong ready to take a hit, would make it bubble when breathing in sometimes. No one got to use my bong! Then one day when I wasn't home my brother came by, Said to himself hey I haven't used his bong before, I wonder how nice it is, he won't know! I get home and there were still pieces of glass on the ground! he didn't even pick up all the pieces! I think it's easy to share a bond with you smoking device! Mine went everywhere with me! had a case that looked like a mini golf bag! Almost named her! I'll pick up another one one day!