My Pie Face Has Chickenpox!

This is my first ever grow. I am growing outdoor in the Seattle area.
My Pie Face #6 is in a 25 gallon fabric pot. I used organic raised bed potting soil from my local nursery mixed with perlite, worm castings, mycorrhizae and 7-4-9 Rainy Pacific North West WSDA Organic Fertilizer and I am feeding them once every two weeks a tea I brew with high nitrogen bat guano, fish bone meal, crab meal and kelp meal and molasses. I am seeing brown spots that look like burn marks but no sign of bugs. The brown spots are making me very nervous I LOVE MY PIE FACE (She smells like vanilla) Please Help! Sorry the photos aren't better.pie_face.JPG pie_face_chicken_pox1.JPG pie_face_chicken_pox2.JPG pie_face_chicken_pox3.JPG

I just want to run to the store and buy some epsom salt but I am NEW and really have no idea what I should do...?
Thank You For ANY Help!


Well-Known Member
looks like spilt nute or similar

a heavy spray of acidic or alky stuff from some distance

is a guess ...similar to blood splatter?

I can't say its nute burn with current evidence submitted

but ....

if you are right ..bugs will come

stay sharp