My ordering list so far for my first grow. Coco & CFL's

Kevin A

Active Member
This Is what I have order so far, How im I doing...?

  • Canna Coco Growing Media
  • Canna Coco A/B
  • Ca Mg+(general organics)
  • Coco Wet
  • BioRoot(general organics)
  • BioThrive Grow(general organics)
Can I put off buying the bloom boaster untill the flowering stage?? My subtotal is at 108 right now


Well-Known Member
all i had when my first plant cracked surface was one 18 W cfl with the wrong spectrum, a 2 litres Coca Cola bottle that i cut in half and used for pot.,some regular soil from a grocery store and hope.
you dont have to buy all the equipment at once man. just sayin

Kevin A

Active Member
I have 1 personal fan, its like 4in in diameter. I also have a box fan.

I was gonna use the personal fan for the seedlings and use the box fan for when my babies turn into toddlers.

Im waiting to buy my lights untill I can find some Y-sockets to my liking. Im planing on having 6-10 cfl's(6500W Daylight)

Kevin A

Active Member
I thought about doing that Stinkmeaner,Working from the ground up. Im just really want my babies to grow big and strong


Well-Known Member
I thought about doing that Stinkmeaner,Working from the ground up. Im just really want my babies to grow big and strong
oh they will grow allright. believe that.
anywho, they dont need all that much in the seedling stage. they just sit there....growin in turtle pace