My nub Grow op, comments welcome


Active Member
Hello everyone, im new to the site, saw all the great pics and great ideas and decided to post sum pics of my favorite new hobby. It's a small operation, but its comming along.

small description: i have two uhal wardrobe boxes that turned out to be a great fit for my place.

in the first one I have, 6 120 watt soft white cfls, three small fans, and a table, thats it. I use organic potting mix with perlite at about a 1 to 3 ratio. I feed them a generic 20-10-10 fertilizer diluted into water with a small bit of liquid karma added.

in the second box I upgraded and rigged up a makeshift aeroponics system that can seat up to six plants in 3" net pots. in here i've use rockwool cubes to root my seeds and once the sprout i put in a bit of hydroton for good measure and let it go. in here i have 8 150 watt soft white cfls.

also noteworthy, the first box goes 18/6 for light, and the second 24hrs
the plants in the first box are older than the second( first box about 2-3 weeks, second box about 3 days)
the first box is in the garage(high temps 85-95)
the second inside,(controlled temps with ac 70-78)

and thats about all the info, still working on a plan for flowering, all questions and criticisms welcome, i'm new to this, so I could use the help. below are some pics I hope. oh, and also a pic of my secret outdoor plant which just started to flower.
