My Next Vert Run :)


Well-Known Member
Well I was pretty happy with my last vert run, I kept it vert for the next flower run.

There's two Seni Seeds super skunk, one on the back and right. The others are white widow from female seeds. All are from clone.

There in organic soil (potted up to a final pot of 18l) and I've basically feed them nothing but water. However I did give them a couple hits /foliar of nitrozyme in veg.

I decided to cut the corners out at the back, going to do something to the front, but haven't gotten around to it yet.

I'm excited to see how it goes, the super skunk last time needed more room, two to one wall, was way too much.

We are now 1.5 weeks since flipping. :)



Well-Known Member
1000w hps. As they grow up, I might swap it for two 600's stacked. Last run I ran the 1k hps and a 400w mh
Nice, I'm still setting up my vert flower room. I was gonna run 2 600's stacked but decided to just run a 1000 with a mover to raise and lower it for full trellis coverage.
Can't wait to test the results!


Well-Known Member
I try to get 3 or 4 bulbs around each girl but that's my way.
X... o....x

Repeat to infinity...


Well-Known Member
I speak only from the dojo of heath motha fuckn Robinson I love it i hereby challenge you to a rotating rdwc. Love it ; let's make vert history